Welcome to Baker by the Pound – Part 2

I left off the last part of my backstory when I fell off the wagon.

Flash forward to late November of 2014, my clothes are suddenly tight again, even in a short period of time. I got measured for a wedding in August, and when the wedding came in October, it was definitely tight, they even had to rush a new jacket for me.

I knew it was bad at the time, but just like in the past I was able to nonchalantly brush it off and not change.

I knew that I needed to take charge of my life and started to go back to Orange Theory Fitness, heck, I was paying a lot to not go to the gym. So much money wasted in that time, if anything, the higher than a normal gym price was a large factor of me getting back onto the workout wagon.

That leads to right now, December 2014. When I saw this on the Orange Theory Facebook page:


$50k to lose weight? I know in January that’s right when everyone’s going to be on the New Year’s Resolution kick. But why not, any motivation is better than nothing. So I signed up!

My studio in Evanston is offering nutrition classes during the event, the trainers are split up and readily available to answer any questions. Also, there was an extra prize for the top weight loss male and female of each individual studio.

I have a lot to lose, so why not go for it, right? We’ll see how this goes…