Weight Loss Challenge Week 1

The first week has come and gone, and things are really going well! One of the trainers told me to expect maybe a 7 lb loss this week due to an initial water weight loss because of major changes to the diet.

This morning I weighted in at 286.6 lbs!

That would make exactly a 15 lb weight loss in one week! That’s amazing! That’s….infomercial good! Even my trainer was surprised, his response was, “how shitty was your diet before?!?!” I guess it was worse than I thought! Continue reading “Weight Loss Challenge Week 1”

Creamy Broccoli Spinach Soup

A co-worker of mine turned me onto this soup, she tried it and really liked it. Combine two “super food” veggies, have avocado in lieu of actual creme, and you have a healthy soup!

I’ll edit this once I figure out how to reblog, but until then, here’s the link to the page:

http://www.sugarfreemom.com/recipes/creamy-cream-less-broccoli-soup-gluten-free-dairy-free-low-carb/ Continue reading “Creamy Broccoli Spinach Soup”

Weight Loss Challenge: Plan of Attack

The weight loss challenge has officially started! My official weigh in is 301.6, ugh. That’s still a shocker.

I’m still unsure of a good goal to set for myself. All the reports out there say a healthy amount to lose is 1-2 pounds a week, probably 3 pounds a week for someone my size. So, a 6 week challenge is 18lbs, let’s just add my competitive spirit and say my goal will be 20 pounds.

Here’s my official plan of attack. Continue reading “Weight Loss Challenge: Plan of Attack”

Pre Weight Loss Challenge Status

The weight loss challenge at Orange Theory Fitness starts up in a couple days, and just in time.

I just had a huge shocker earlier this week. I haven’t weighed myself in over 3 months since I was really going to OTF hard the first time. So I’m not completely surprised at the initial weigh in, decided to step on the scale the other day and it was over 300 lbs!

I was utterly demoralized. I was angry. I blamed the scale, the last time I weighed myself on my roommate’s scale it said 282.2 lbs. Continue reading “Pre Weight Loss Challenge Status”