Pre Weight Loss Challenge Status

The weight loss challenge at Orange Theory Fitness starts up in a couple days, and just in time.

I just had a huge shocker earlier this week. I haven’t weighed myself in over 3 months since I was really going to OTF hard the first time. So I’m not completely surprised at the initial weigh in, decided to step on the scale the other day and it was over 300 lbs!

I was utterly demoralized. I was angry. I blamed the scale, the last time I weighed myself on my roommate’s scale it said 282.2 lbs. There’s no way I gained 20 lbs in 3 months. The scale at OTF is used by a lot of people, so the calibration could be off, people’s weight fluctuates throughout the day, there’s a lot of factors.

So in my incredibly emotional response, I bought a scale of my own. I decided on the EatSmart Precision Premium digital Bathroom Scale, because it had the best reviews on Amazon and was in my price range. Once it arrived, I stepped on the scale and it confirmed my 300+ weight. I even tested it against a kettlebell I have and there was only a 0.2 difference.

Disgusting. Shameful. How could I let myself get to this point?

But, I guess that’s the reason I’m doing this weight loss challenge and starting this blog to keep me honest and in check….


In the past, I had some pretty good success by doing fitness alone. If I ever took nutrition with an ounce of seriousness, I bet that would make all the difference. Many people even say that matters more than working out. So, I’ll do some research, talk to the trainers, and put together my plan of action in my next post.