Weight Loss Challenge Week 1

The first week has come and gone, and things are really going well! One of the trainers told me to expect maybe a 7 lb loss this week due to an initial water weight loss because of major changes to the diet.

This morning I weighted in at 286.6 lbs!

That would make exactly a 15 lb weight loss in one week! That’s amazing! That’s….infomercial good! Even my trainer was surprised, his response was, “how shitty was your diet before?!?!” I guess it was worse than I thought!


Been doing well with drinking water. Another great feature of the MyFitnessPal app is you can keep track of water as you drink it. I’ve been between 12 and 16 glasses of water a day this week. If you go by either the gallon a day or weight/2, I should try to stay closer to 16, but not bad for a beginning.

Let me tell you something about the water, I am going to the bathroom constantly! It’s pretty inconvenient to have to get up all the time when at work. Sometimes, when I drink a large quantity during lunch, there will only be a 20 minute break between trips to the bathroom.

Hopefully, this is all part of the flushing out process and getting rid of that stored up water. I really hope I adapt soon, it makes the long commute home from work a struggle!


As part of the weight loss challenge, I have to go to the gym at least 3x a week. I’ve only been going 2x a week, but I felt like I could handle it coming into the challenge and so far, so good!

It really helps out that I genuinely enjoy going to the gym too. The trainers make it fun and the variety helps me from getting bored and staying on focus!


This is the big one. In the past, my workplace lunches have been the killer, eating out is so easy and there’s so many good places around my work! But as I’ve posted, I’ve been making soups, been making dinners, and so far it’s working well.

Here’s a breakdown of what I’ve been eating:

  • Breakfast
    • Mornings after workouts, I drink a glass of soy milk in the morning, hopefully that added protein will help with recovery
    • At work, it’s really easy to make some oatmeal. Scoop a half cup into a bowl, add hot water from the coffee machine, wait a few minutes. I add a little bit of honey, some sliced almonds, and some flax seeds for variety.
  • Lunch options
  • Dinners
    • No salt rotisserie chicken from the grocery store (they smelled good and I didn’t feel like cooking) chopped into 1/4. Take off the fat when eating
    • Filipino Veggie & Meats dish my mom taught me
      • Asparagus and green beans cooked with 2 tomatoes and 1 onion mixed with a little bit of meat. I did a chicken/pork mix.
    • Chicken Adobo Breast
      • Usually whole chicken pieces but I just did breast to make it leaner. Cooked with soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, bay leaf, and let it cook!
    • Been eating the meats with some brown rice and heating up some frozen veggies
  • Snacks
    • Made a raw almond/pistachio mix. It gives variety, spreads out the sodium, and I like it a lot! Usually a 1/4 cup will give me only 160 calories and will tide me over until the next meal
    • Greek yogurt with fruit – usually just the Chobani cups with fruit to mix in, super convenient and really tasty!

Overall, things are looking great, I’m feeling great. Cooking hasn’t been bad aside from some epic messes, working out has continued to be good. So far so good!