Weight Loss Challenge Week 2

This week has been more of the same, just keep rocking it through and trying to develop good habits. The old adage is that habits develop after 3 weeks, so just have to keep going at it for one more week. I stepped up from going 3x/week to just every other day, so that boost in working out will hopefully help!

So far, I’m really enjoying it, nutritionally I’ve just been slowly knocking away at the leftovers from the larger meals I made before. I froze half of the turkey chili, so once I got done with the first batch last week I defrosted it and it was good to go!

I was faced with my first real test of willpower this past Sunday. I had a cousin that was visiting from Florida. He’s lived here before and visits every couple years, but his fiancee has never been to Chicago, and one of the best draws is all the great food we have here.

The place they decided to meet was Portillo’s. For those that are unfamiliar, they have among my favorite food. Amazing italian beef sandwiches, burgers, chili dogs. One of the things they’re becoming most famous for is their amazing chocolate cake. They even have a chocolate cake shake where they’ll literally blend in a piece of the chocolate cake into the shake!

It’s pretty much the most amazing thing ever.

I was good and chose a grilled chicken sandwich, no mayo. Resisted having french fries, and stuck to my water. It was sad being there, but it helped out that the sandwich was pretty good.

It was easy to take it easy during lunch because I had a big dinner ahead of me. For Christmas, I got my mom tickets to see West Side Story at a local theater company, Dury Lane. I got the dinner package before the show too, nice Mother/Son date night.

Unfortunately, I got these tickets before deciding to do the weight loss challenge and it was pricey enough that I wasn’t about to hold back. So hello super cheat day!

One thing, now that I’ve been cooking on my own, I could taste all the salt and butter they used in everything. It’s amazing how quickly the taste buds can change. Don’t get me wrong, it was still amazingly delicious, but I definitely could tell a difference when I probably couldn’t before.

So that’s progress!

Weight: 285.2 lbs

1.4 lbs lost since last week

16.4 lbs lost during the competition