Weight Loss Challenge Week 3

Half way home!

This week I’ve been experimenting with new foods, unfortunately I forgot to take pics of them and just typing out the recipes are boring, but here’s my notes from the new foods:

– Mini Chicken Burgers – in theory would be amazing, but I did something wrong and they turned out super nastacular. Maybe I’ll try them again sometime, but not for a long time, I’m super gun shy with them now.

– Broccoli Potato Cheese Soup – this was really good, the broccoli adding a fresher takes on the typical baked potato soup. Only came out to 237 calories a bowl, but that cheese popped the sodium up to 1080.8mg, so it had the same problem as the turkey chili. But this is something I can modify to make healthier next time.

– Chicken Quesadillas – found a good recipe online to add black beans, green pepper, onion, and a slew of other ingredients. Make the mix, which can be refrigerated for leftovers, then when you make the quesadilla, toss a whole wheat large tortilla into a pan, fold over, weight down with a plate and BOOM! Although I used the same cheese as the soup, so that topped the 1k mg sodium as well. So I had to make sure I didn’t have both in the same day

– Tomato Lentil Soup – I’ve never cooked with lentils before, or had them much, but these came out really well. I actually really enjoyed this soup. At 87 calories, and low numbers all around, it was almost TOO healthy and the MyFitnessPal app would yell at me if my calories went too low. This was definitely a non-workout day lunch, I started to add the leftover tortillas from the quesadillas to add some calories and just fill me up during the week.

Now that it’s the end of the week, my studio posted a pic and lookie look what we have here….

2nd Place Baby!

While I only lost 0.4 more lbs this week, that brings me down to 16.8 total for the competition, enough for me to be in 2nd place when going by % body weight. Not bad, but with this slow week I have to pick it up.

I had incredible confidence going into the 2nd week due to the miraculous loss the first week. It’s definitely tapered off, and I think the increased amount of workouts has made my muscles perk up. Could be an excuse…..

But now that I see that I’m close, time to step up my game!