No More Excuses

How does the quote go with body transformations?

It takes 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, 12 weeks for the world to notice.

I’m not sure how accurate that is, because at least in my gym a lot of people have noticed my transformation so far. Now that there’s been some attention, now I’ve realized that there’s no more excuses I can give.

I’ve reached past that 3 week “building good habits” mark, I’ve learned how to better read labels, I’ve been given the tools for nutritional success. So far, it’s paid off, now I just have to keep going!

Now that my body is able to handle the workout, there’s no excuse not to go to the gym on scheduled days. Now that I’m accustomed to the intensity increase, there’s some days that I seriously feel like a super hero. Not only do I think I can push myself, but I WANT to push myself to see what I can do!

But this cuts both ways. There are no excuses not to give yourself credit for your hard work!

After the first week’s giant weight loss followed by modest losses the next couple weeks, I chalked that up to water weight.

When I noticed my shirt getting loose, I figured I’ve been wearing these shirts a lot and washing them a lot, they’re worn out.

When the elastic strap on my heart rate monitor was getting loose, I figured it’s stretched out.

I need to stop and start giving myself credit and start being proud of what I’ve accomplished!

There’s a woman at my gym that I haven’t seen in a couple weeks, she came up to me before class and complimented my progress saying she didn’t recognize me at first out of the corner of her eye! Another later said that she’s been watching me “melting away” right before her eyes!

It seems like I have a cheering section at the gym now, and you know what? That feels really good.

So, to anyone out there going to a journey like myself, remember to hold yourself accountable, but also make sure to stop and celebrate your successes as well.