Weight Loss Challenge Week 4

This week was eye-opening, I feel like I’ve hit a 2nd stride.

Physically, I’ve been feeling really good, so I upped my frequency once again from every other day (3.5x/week average) to a straight up 4x/week. The extra calorie burn made the difference, and honestly the frequency made me want to cheat less.

I haven’t really cheated much during this time, unless it’s a cheat meal, but I noticed on days that I work out I don’t WANT to cheat. So going more will hopefully subside that desire to cheat.

For food, I made the adobo chicken breast again because it’s super easy. For the opposite day made a baked garlic parmesean chicken. It’s really good, not the healthiest thing ever, but it’s really good. I add pepper flakes for extra spice and it’s really something that I look forward to eating!

Also made a slew of veggies mixed with lentils soup. It looked a little gross, but it tasted really good and that’s all that matters!

Back on track!

Weight: 277.4

7.4 lbs lost since last week!

24.2 lbs lost during the competition!

I’ve already surpassed my original goal, now I just want to win the competition, let’s see how far I can (healthily) go!