Weight Loss Challenge Week 5 – Motivation

This week was a rough one. The lowered caloric intake, the higher energy expenditure, my body is literally eating itself. I’m just trying desperately to make sure it’s eating fat instead of muscle/bone/anything it’s not supposed to.

Something I’ve been getting into is watching weight loss related videos on YouTube while eating dinner and relaxing. This whole thing has become a part of my life. As I hope this blog helps out other people someday, other people have been down similar journeys and have shared their stories.

Here’s a couple that I really like:

Matt Cama – Total Body Transformation Camp

Matt went through a weight loss journey himself and he understands what went through it. His plans focus on three things: How you look (aesthetics), how you feel (health), and how you think (psychology).

I really like his style. His videos are generally longer in length, but it’s worth a watch when you have the time. He also has a website with more videos to help out.

As the theme of this post is motivation, here’s a video of his that really helped me a lot get through this week and keep things in perspective of the rest of my journey post weight loss challenge.

Elliott Hulse – Strength Camp

Elliot’s a HUGE guy and his workouts are typically more geared towards bodybuilding and more strength oriented videos. Obviously, having a company/YouTube named Strength Camp might be a giveaway. I really like his “Yo Elliot” videos where he answers questions about life, not just in the area of fitness.

He’s transitioned the Yo Elliot videos to a separate YT channel so the main one is more fitness focused. Here’s a video that’s a compilation of some of this best snippets (note, he doesn’t hold back on language):

The fitness area is full of a lot of great people that WANT to help others out. When building a support group the internet is a great resource!

Current weight: 273.6

3.8 lbs lost since last week

28 lbs down total