What Did I Just Do….

I think I just did something crazy.

Three weeks ago, I decided that my post weight loss challenge focus would be more on performance, both cardio and lifting. I decided that is a good way to keep motivated, something to work towards and not just obsess with the number on the scale, since that can be so deceiving. A few people suggested, why not try a 5k?

I’ve never been a runner, running the mile in jr high and high school were the worst days ever. Even though the gym teachers always threatened that if we took longer than 15 minutes we’d have to do it again, they always let me slide by as I would try (and sometimes not try that hard, to be honest) to complete the best to my ability.

As we’re beginning to venture into territory where I’ve never been in my life, decided to run the idea by a few people. After class one night at the gym, I floated the idea of doing a 5k this fall to one of the trainers, mostly to gauge his reaction to see if he thinks that’s an attainable goal for me. Without hesitation, he said, “I’ll do it with you!”

After hearing this exchange, a woman in my class told me to do the Bucktown 5k in September, mostly because they have the best swag bags but also that she’s going to be running it. It all happened very fast, and I verbally committed to it!

Ran the idea past a few more friends/family that are in my support group with 100% support. The only real doubter, to be honest, was me.

This past week (yes, I’ve been deliberating it for 3 weeks now), I decided to kick up my workouts a notch. At Orange Theory, they have three treadmill levels: power walkers, jogging, and running. I’ve been slowly building my way up to where I’m a tweener between power walking and jogging. Heart rate wise, once I start jogging, it flies way up. So I have to stay at an aggressive power walk for base pace, then kick it up to jogging for push pace and all outs.

I was feeling good, so why not, right?

It was an endurance day, so longer blocks of moderate pushing. Low and behold, I was able to hold the blocks of 4 minutes at a light jog finishing with a minute at all out speed. Not only did I do the first block, but I did the entire set, which was two blocks with rower and floor work between!

I noticed people that regularly see me give me a little side eye in the mirror. One even noticed my increased speed and reached down to speed theirs up a little too. Not only that, afterwards, the aforementioned trainer stopped me on the way out and reminded me to tell him which 5k I’m signing up for!

Now, I’ve always been wary of when people give random compliments. People can mean well, but they can just be words. Depending on who it’s coming from, it can either mean a lot or it can mean nothing. But seeing people noticing what I’m doing and take action, that can’t be faked. At those moments, that meant the world to me!

Not saying I didn’t pay the price for it, good golly was I sore yesterday!

But what it did was give me a huge boost in confidence and I went to Bucktown5k.com and gave it a closer look. September 13th, 6 months away. 3.1 miles a couple days after my 33rd bday, there’s enough 3’s in there to make it seem poetic enough for me to go for it:

My first 5k registration



With over 6 months to go, my new goal as of right now is to be able to run the entire time. A 2015 journey beginning the year at 300 pounds to running a 5k on my birthday, sounds good to me!

It’s going to be a lot of work, and I also have to be smart and not over train and get myself injured. I’m still big, so those knees and ankles are very vulnerable, so I will have to ease my way into it. I also like this goal also because it’s only attainable if I continue to lose weight.

So, there we go, this will be interesting.