Lordy Lordy… I’ve lost 40!

Stepped on the scale this morning and saw 261.4, what that means is I’ve hit that 40 pound weight loss mark since I got the guts to start weighing myself back in January!

After plugging it into MyFitnessPal, I took a step back to reflect on the past few months:

MyFitnessPal Weight Timeline Graph


There was that HUGE weight loss at the beginning, I’m guessing initial water weight since I had already been working out and the only real change was nutrition. Something ridiculous like 12lbs that first week. But after that, it’s been surprisingly relative linear.

Mentally as of late, I’ve felt that the total weight loss has slowed since I’ve starting jogging, I can feel my leg muscles are bigger. That mentality helped push me through the “bad days” as of late, knowing the number can be deceiving as I’m in a more “transforming” stage than a “shedding” weight loss stage.

Interesting, I shouldn’t be so hard on myself! The trick will be to not gain it all back tomorrow during Easter at my Grandma’s, haha. Definitely very happy!

Had to take a celebratory pic with Coach Drey after class, everyone that saw what we were doing got really excited. The studio manager even put the pic on the Orange Theory Fitness Evanston facebook page, it really felt nice!

I made a composite as a reminder because I happen to wear the same Blackhawks 2010 Stanley Cup Champions shirt I wore in my ultimate “before” picture.

Down 40 lbs since January! Compare to when I first bought that shirt in 2010!
Down 40 lbs since January! Compare to when I first bought that shirt in 2010!