Wrap-Up: April 2015

I decided to start BbtP for a few reasons: to keep a record of my weight loss journey in an unedited way, and to hold me accountable. This is one of those months that’s incredibly painful to write because it shows the latter.

Let’s see how I look compared to one month ago:

Dark blue Illinois shirt taken 3/23/15, light blue Chicago Bears shirt pics taken 5/4/15
Dark blue Illinois shirt taken 3/23/15, light blue Chicago Bears shirt pics taken 5/4/15

While I messed up by not wearing the same shirt, and the angle is a little different, the eye test holds true, I’ve gained back some weight for sure.

As I wrote in the previous posts, it’s been a difficult month dealing with the injury to my left Achilles/plantar fascia. That halted my exercise regimen, according to my workout journal, I only went to the gym 4 times this month. Three times before the injury, then once about two weeks after to test the foot and then another two weeks later until now.

While that’s to be expected, not being able to work out really depressed me and I got incredibly frustrated. That combined with other outside stressors led me to falling back into old habits. What was once my cheat/treat meal slowly became more commonplace, I got lazy with cooking which leads to buying unhealthy foods, and it moves on from there.

Thankfully, from these pictures, it looks like the damage isn’t too horrible, but it’s time to nip this thing right now before it gets worse. My foot is pretty much healed, this is my first week back with consistency to the gym, so next comes the nutrition aspect to it. I’ll write a post on crawling out of the spiral soon.

To end on a more positive note and to keep things in perspective in the long run.

Current weight: 268.1

Lost since last month: -3.5 lbs (gained)

Total weight loss since Jan 2015: 33.5

Weight loss from Jan - May, 2015
Weight loss from Jan – May, 2015