My Pre-Workout Playlist

I’ve been slacking on this blog lately, and while it’s mostly designed to document my journey while holding me accountable, it’s time I get a little less serious and have some fun.

While at the gym, the trainers play their own setlist, so the only time I get to play with my music is when pumping myself up on the drive there.

So here’s my current (perhaps unorthidox) top songs to pump me up for the gym, in no particular order:

1) Kanye West – The New Workout Plan

Makes sense to begin the list with a song with “workout” in the title.

Say what you want about his personal life, but back in the day Kanye was one of the most talented musicians out there. He put out hilarious and fun songs like this, I miss that Kanye.

“Results may vary. Don’t get your hopes up.” Hilarious.

2) John Tesh – Roundball Rock (aka the NBA on NBC theme)

I’m a huge Chicago Bulls fan, and this song is greatly associated with the golden era of the Jordan and Pippen days. It has a great beat and still gets me rocking and ready to dominate the gym today!

Holy crap, I’m so happy I did this blog because when looking for that video I came to the discovery that a live version exists. Not only a live version with a big band, but John Tesh tells the story behind the song a la VH1 Storytellers, he even plays the answering machine message he left for himself with a demo of the song!

I’m seriously so happy to have found this video, you have no idea.

3) DDR – Healing Vision Angelic Remix

Confession time, I was huge into Dance Dance Revolution back in the day. A few of my close friends dropped a good amount of weight doing it too. I was even successful with it for a little bit, but then I hurt my knee and fell off the wagon for good.

Nevertheless, this song still remains as one of my favorites and currently serves to help motivate me on the way to the gym. This song’s unique in that it tells the story of someone passing and being revived, and the bulk of the song itself represents a “life flashing before your eyes” experience.

Really cool. I just hope I don’t have to experience being revived while at the gym, haha.

4) Maroon 5 – Lucky Strike

I don’t know why, but this song always gets me going whenever it pops up on my phone. I like the way it builds and the chorus is fun. It’s just happy and uptempo.

For all you k-pop fans, someone put together a video of Lucky Strike with video from Girls Generation music videos. It fits surprisingly well!

5) Final Fantasy VII – One Winged Angel

I wouldn’t be a true geek if I didn’t feel like the ultimate badass working out to the theme song of Sephiroth, one of the most iconic bad guys in video game history!

Also works well just speeding down the highway (safely)!

Well, that’s all I can think of for now, I’ll write another post when my playlist shifts.

What are your favorite pre-workout songs? Suggestions welcome!