
I am getting so tired of this pattern: things are looking up, I have a very positive post, and then a month goes by and I’m talking about the dang wagon again. I don’t want to talk about the wagon, I don’t want to see the flaming wagon picture anymore, stupid wagon.

Needless to say, I fell off the wagon…AGAIN.

No, I didn’t just fall off the wagon, but axel of the wagon broke under the weight of my fat butt, burst into flames, and then I ate the oxen by cooking it using said flame.

These slip-ups are getting old and I’m sure you’re as tired of reading about it as I am tired of writing about it.

This time I have a laundry list of excuses, and while some of these are valid excuses, they are excuses nevertheless. A lot of this started from positive changes, within a week’s span I moved to a new apartment, started a new job, and got a new niece.

While all of these made me thrilled, it resulted in changes to my routine. That’s something that seems to be my largest fault, whether it’s injury, or visiting family more to see the new baby, I have difficulty adapting to those changes and I lose all momentum.

For some reason, when I can’t get myself to go to the gym, my eating habits soon follow and it spirals from there.  The kicker is that I lose it SO much quicker than I can gain it back. But, at least I recognize it now, now it’s just doing something with it.

So I have to learn to make working out a part of my life as much as I make working, family, and other things.

Time to brush off the smoldering remains of my half wagon, and rickshaw this mofo until I get some momentum back.