Back at it! Restarting the 5k training

After yesterday’s big emotional post, it was time for me to stand behind my words and take this training seriously. I am going to do this 5k, I’ll figure out a way to do it.One of the things I did differently was I switched from the Lolo app to C25K app (Couch to 5k). It was a recommendation from many friends after I posted my earlier blog about beginning training and asked for tips. No offense to Lolo, and I’m sure many would prefer that over C25K, but I needed to switch up my approach and this was one way to do it.

Now, onto the 2nd problem: the 5k is in 4 weeks and most of these programs are 8 weeks long. I figured that while I’ve likely lost some endurance and strength, I was jogging enough that I could probably start at week 3 of the training and maybe I’ll skip ahead if things are going well.

Oh man….that was rough. I was huffing and puffing and sweating, probably a little bit of crying too. Legs were burning, I wanted to stop, but you know what, I completed the program. I’m not going to feel good tomorrow, but I completed it, I’ll heal, and I’ll keep pushing on.

Then I looked at my phone closer and realized I set it to Day 1, Week 4!

That explains a lot. So, in a couple days, I’ll make sure to set it to Day 2 of Week 3, and go from there. But at least it feels good that I was able to do it. Let’s see how this next month goes.