The Final Countdown: One Week Until My 1st 5K

Well, here we go. One week until it’s go-time with the Bucktown 5k. I worked out both days of this weekend, of different varieties with very different results.


Went to Orange Theory and it was a strength day. So heavier weights with fewer reps on the floor, and inclines on cardio with rowing dispersed between. I’ll tell you what, it was a rough one.

I even told the nice girl that works the front desk that if that workout was any indication of how the 5k would go next week, I better have my emergency contact info written very legibly on my bib.

Taken, I’ve had a stomach bug the past couple of days, so I may have been dehydrated and just lower energy overall. Who knows, all I know is I left there feeling incredibly discouraged and knowing I’m going to be sore.


Was surprisingly not sore, vegged out most of the day until forcing myself to train more. Due to recent illness and possible concussion, I’ve been completely thrown off track from the Couch to 5k app. So I just continued where I left off. The infamous Day 3 of Week 5, it had to happen sooner or later.

The first 5 weeks of the app are based off of time: run 1 min/ walk 1 min, run 5 mins/ walk 3 mins, and so on gradually increasing the amount of time you’re running.

Then week 5 it goes from 8 min runs/5 min walks to (after a 5 min warm-up) running 20 mins without walking!

Week 6 has a ramp up ending with another long run, then the last two weeks are all running. But this week 5 ending is definitely the largest jump in intensity.

I did….okay….

While yesterday I had to ease off the gas but pushed through completion, today, around the 15 minute mark I just started walking…. Not necessarily a conscious decision per say, it just kind of happened.

I mean, I was tired. I pushed through the initial muscle discomfort, found a pace to balance my breathing, but i looked at the timer and saw there were 7 minutes left and thought to slow down so I’ll have enough energy to finish. But 2 minutes later I started walking….

I hope no kids were around to hear what I said out loud in my frustration and disappointment in myself. I was surprised I stopped and didn’t know why I did, it was weird. After a short walk, I tried to pick it up again, but it only lasted a couple more minutes before walking.

I made up for it by walking an additional mile once the timer stopped on the app, just so I can feel accustomed to going that distance in general. Also to let off a little steam.

Now that I’ve thought about it, I can’s be too angry at myself. By those calculations I was approaching 1.25 miles, when I just posted last week how it was the first time I ever ran a mile without stopping. It would be foolish to think I could double that in a week, especially when I hadn’t trained at all during the week.

I did something I never did before, so that’s something to be proud of. Now it’s all focusing on this week and making sure I bring my A-game come Sunday.

Speaking of, there is a little soreness to the Achilles, but it’s not any more than any other leg muscle is right now. So that’s incredibly optimistic. More strenuous workouts on consecutive days and I’m pain free!

Now I iust have to hope my X-Men Wolverine like healing skills I had during the weight loss challenge will return, and my next running day (Tuesday) will show marked improvement over today!