Trying Out A 21 Day Cleanse

I’ve definitely gained weight since the 5k. My rest/recovery period turned into a full on break from everything, which is very bad. So when the opportunity presented itself for me to try a 21 day cleanse, I figured why not. A few people at my work were doing it, we’re all trying to get healthier, so why not and do it as a team!

Something to take of note, this is a cleanse/purification system. So the goal of this is NOT to lose weight, but to detox your body. Weight loss may be a part of it, but the whole point of this is to rid yourself of toxins, so you have to go in with that mindset.

We even decided to do pre and post cleanse blood drawing to see the improvement. Here’s how everything went down. Continue reading “Trying Out A 21 Day Cleanse”