Lolo 10-lb challenge, because why not?

If there’s something that I learned the past year, it’s that I have a competitive spirit and need something to work towards to be successful on this health journey. Knowing that, I need to keep setting mini goals to have. I think I have to revisit some of the motivation factors I wrote about last year, and really figure out my game plan.

Something I stumbled across is the 10 Pound Challenge from Lolo. If you recall, Lolo was one of the apps I first downloaded when I started training for the Bucktown 5k, so they send me periodical emails. This one was promoting the challenge, here’s the rundown:

  • It’s FREE, that can’t be bad
  • You’re entered to win prized including a fancy treadmill, Amazon gift cards
  • Get support via videos and email from their trainers.
  • Runs Jan 11 – Feb 9, 2016
  • You’ll receive daily “challenge” videos, little things to keep you moving
  • Live workouts on Periscope
  • Logs of challenges, weight, and all that good stuff.

So, it has a lot of the same motivators as the cleanse with the daily emails/motivational tools. Let’s be honest, I need whatever motivation I can get at this point in time. I’ve already proven that I CAN do it, and I know what to do, it’s just doing it!

Did the initial weigh-in, I’m back up to 291, f@!&$@#$(!@# is all I have to say about that.

So, let’s do it, give me your best, Lolo! (please!)