5k #2 – Night Nation Run

This is a dramatic reenactment of a conversation between me and one of my friends:

Him: It’s really cool that you did the 5k and everything, it’s really inspiring.

Me: Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Any motivational tool is great!

Him: I’ve been thinking about maybe doing a 5k this summer.

Me: Nice! That’s awesome, you should totally do one!

Him: So…which one should we do?!?!

Me: ….oh…….

So, guess what? It’s time for 5k #2! This time, instead of the more traditional/competitive race of the Bucktown 5k I did last September, we’re breaking out the glow sticks, blasting the EDM, and doing the Night Nation Run in Chicago on April 16th.

Night Nation Run

The Night Nation Run calls itself a “Running Music Festival” that features live music, lights, lasers, all the works. It has multiple DJ’s along the way while you run and ends with a big after-party with a concert. It’s being held at Soldier Field, so that’ll be a blast! Also, the proceeds go to Stand Up To Cancer, so what could be bad about that?

I’m actually really happy that my friend prodded me because I’m learning that I need something to work towards. For example, despite me falling off the wagon mid-last year, the motivation of the Bucktown 5k kept me from stopping completely. While I had another slip-up after that, knowing what I’m capable of has been a factor in me not giving up completely.

[Side note: I decided to NOT do the Orange Theory weight loss challenge this year. I’ve lost a lot of muscle during my slip-ups (some of which I actually attribute to the 21 day cleanse) and I’m still coming back from the nagging achilles injury. I feel it’s not the right time.

I know I’m ultra competitive, so I would risk injuring myself. I’ll take my nutrition as if I were doing the weight loss challenge, but physically take things at my own pace as I continue to relearn everything. If it started in March and not February, I would be much more likely to do it again.]

My logic when choosing this race was: it’s almost February right now, give me a month to get back into somewhat shape and really crack down on my nutrition to (re)drop weight so I won’t stress my legs. Then add the typical 8-weeks for a 5k training program and that puts us at the end of April.

This is a couple weeks shy of that, but I can already feel from the gym that I’m starting to get it back quickly. This morning at the gym, my treadmill work was equivalent to what I was doing last April/May (I’m really thankful I started taking notes after my workouts way back when!), so perhaps I’ll get it back quickly (while being safe).

Doing another 5k will be a good way to redeem myself to myself after my experience of Bucktown. I know I should be proud of what I did, I even wrote about how I should be proud, and I am. However, the way it all played out still leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

So, perhaps going the more “fun” route is healthier for me mentally this time around. With my one friend already on board, I texted my other friend that ran Bucktown with me and put out an open invitation. Thus, in the EDM spirit, team “Dat high hat doe” was created!

I posted about it on social media, texted a bunch of my runner friends, even recruited at the bar. The more the merrier, let’s all try to get healthy together and have some fun! As of writing this post, we have 9 on the team. So, not only will it be fun, but it’s 8 other people I can’t let down!

It honestly feels good to be back and working out a lot, even writing this blog feels good. Soon I’ll be getting back to the monthly wrap-ups, cooking adventures, and hopefully even more fun posts!

I’m very optimistic right now and absolutely can’t wait for this.