Slowly Learning

I still have to think and write out my long motivational post, but wanted to write a quick post about a baby step of progress.

Last night, in the middle of the night, I woke up with some discomfort in my right heel. Going into today the discomfort stuck around and I felt some in my lower calf as well. Very strange thing considering I took the past two days off, so you’d think if it was an injury I’d feel it right away.

In those two days, I was lazy with stretching, in that I didn’t do any on Sunday and I didn’t do anything until rolling out on the foam roller last night (foam roller you say? There’s a post about that coming up very soon!). So chances are it’s tight calves.

The baby steps of progress is that I took my own advise for once! Continue reading “Slowly Learning”

The Psychology of Weight Loss

Everyone says that the weight loss journey more mental than physical, in fact, many will say that it’s ALL mental. I always heard that phrase and understood the journey would be difficult, but I never truly understood the psychology of weight loss until recently. I also never realized how much of a mental battle it’s been until I started reflecting and reading old posts.

Last year, when I lost pound #40, I remember thinking that it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be, I was confident and maybe even a bit cocky. But anyone that’s read more than one post of this blog has seen that every time I was at my most optimistic I would soon have a stumble or fall.

It’s really surprising just how extreme the highs and lows have been, and the dichotomy really takes it’s tolls. Continue reading “The Psychology of Weight Loss”