Slowly Learning

I still have to think and write out my long motivational post, but wanted to write a quick post about a baby step of progress.

Last night, in the middle of the night, I woke up with some discomfort in my right heel. Going into today the discomfort stuck around and I felt some in my lower calf as well. Very strange thing considering I took the past two days off, so you’d think if it was an injury I’d feel it right away.

In those two days, I was lazy with stretching, in that I didn’t do any on Sunday and I didn’t do anything until rolling out on the foam roller last night (foam roller you say? There’s a post about that coming up very soon!). So chances are it’s tight calves.

The baby steps of progress is that I took my own advise for once! I tested it out on the treadmill, listened to my body that while I could have tolerated and pushed through anything I was feeling, the discomfort is a bad thing, so I should take it easy. I told the trainer of the discomfort and opted to use the elliptical instead of treadmill and took the modifications of not doing any of the jumping on the floor exercises.

Sure, it wasn’t as intense a workout as usual. But what’s sacrificing not going all out one evening, when the risk is not being able to do anything at all for much longer than one evening, should it turn into an injury.

High fives for using my brain instead of the emotion!

In the end, it actually wasn’t that much of a risk, as far as cardio and caloric burn goes. Referring to my handy spreadsheet of workout stats:

  • I burned 935 Calories, my average for 2016 is 975 per session
  • I was able to continue my floor exercises without decreasing weight for all but reverse lunges
  • Average heart rate was 150, when usually it’s been 154
  • Largest sacrifice was I only had 13 minutes in the “push” orange zone, when I’ve been averaging 20, but Orange Theory recommends between 12-24 minutes anyway, so I still fit the perfect workout archetype

So, in the end, it wasn’t an incredible sacrifice and I’m feeling good afterward. Still a little discomfort, but I did a TON of stretching and iced it down afterward. So we’ll see how it feels tomorrow, but I’m pretty optimistic this was the right choice.

I just hope it heals soon, because I definitely prefer the treadmill to that elliptical, sweated my butt off, then again, using muscles differently can’t be that bad, haha.

So, feeling good, very happy, I’ll leave this post with a selfie I took after Saturday’s workout, I was feeling good and confident just after the workout:

Post-workout confidence
Feeling good!