Weight Loss Journey – My Long Term Vision & Motivation

I’m going to be honest for a second, this past year and change has been rough. Since starting this blog/journal, I’ve had many high points and many low points. In the end, I can say a few things confidently: I’ve lost a net 10 lbs, I’ve learned a ton about my body and the biology of fitness, and I’ve battled motivation and a ton of injuries that in hindsight seemed inevitable for someone that’s been my size for as long as I’ve been.

While I wish that net loss number was higher, it would have been amazing if I maintained that net 40 lb loss (which I had almost a year to the date from today) and extended beyond, I need to learn from those mistakes and continue to move forward.

As of right now, I’m considering this a reboot. I am re-dedicating myself to this blog and doubling down with social media and more to come.

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