Weight Loss Journey – My Long Term Vision & Motivation

I’m going to be honest for a second, this past year and change has been rough. Since starting this blog/journal, I’ve had many high points and many low points. In the end, I can say a few things confidently: I’ve lost a net 10 lbs, I’ve learned a ton about my body and the biology of fitness, and I’ve battled motivation and a ton of injuries that in hindsight seemed inevitable for someone that’s been my size for as long as I’ve been.

While I wish that net loss number was higher, it would have been amazing if I maintained that net 40 lb loss (which I had almost a year to the date from today) and extended beyond, I need to learn from those mistakes and continue to move forward.

As of right now, I’m considering this a reboot. I am re-dedicating myself to this blog and doubling down with social media and more to come.

Bbtp Facebook, Twitter, Instagram!

I’ve developed a lot of tools over the last year and it’s time to expand upon it. I’ve started cooking for myself once again making healthier meals (most certainly healthier than anything you can get fast food or a restaurant), I’m taking a smart and slow approach to fitness, and I’m learning to control the mental/emotional aspect better.

As one of the trainers at my gym often says, “you only get one body, make sure you take care of it.” this applies to me not only in losing weight, but not pushing myself too hard and hurting myself!

As many of you know, I read a ton of blogs and articles, watch videos, and listen to podcasts about fitness and weight loss. Any of you that know me personally know I’m hyper over-analytical, especially when it comes to things very important to me like getting healthy. A commonality I’ve seen in all that information is most agree that the key to staying motivated is focusing on the “why.”

While it’s very good to make mini goals (to be coming soon) first you have to develop a big picture to focus on.

My ultimate vision for myself and my long term goals

  1. I want to wake up in the morning full of energy and excited to take on the day.
  2. I want to show confidence in myself, in my own abilities that I know are my strengths, without doubting myself.
  3. I want people to want to sit near me when on the bus, airline, or train and not think “I hope I don’t have to be by the fat guy”
  4. I want to be fashionable. I very much enjoy dressing up, but finding styles can be difficult. So it’s fashionable on a day-to-day basis and be comfortable in what I’m wearing.
  5. I want to be approachable, not in my current way where I’m “safe” looking, but I want people to want to approach and interact with me.
  6. This last one is kind of a joke. One of my co-workers mentioned, “wouldn’t it be great if when you Google’d your own name it autofilled ‘shirtless’ as a suggestion?” I’m just going to add that to the list because not only does it mean I’m relevant enough to be Google’able, but also that people are actually searching that

Seriously, how hilarious would that be to see this:

Future Google Search
Some day this will be a reality


What happens if I don’t make my goals

Conversely, it’s also important to think about what will happen if I don’t do anything. What happens if another year passes and I remain the same, or even get worse.

  1. Health risks – I’ve been large my entire life, and it’s common knowledge that obesity runs many health risks
  2. Another year of my self doubt and holding myself back from what I know I can be.

I have a family history of high blood pressure, heart disease on BOTH sides of the family, diabetes on BOTH sides of the family. To be honest, being big my whole life, I consider it a small miracle that I haven’t had any of those issues yet, and I know I’m playing with fire hardcore. This is something I CAN NOT afford to continue with for another year.

I heard a story about a 40ish year old man that was in a similar situation as me, larger man walking around perfectly fine. Went to the doctor because he was having vision problems and two weeks later he’s basically blind in both eyes and might lose a leg as diabetes hit him hard and swiftly. That’s scary, especially something that is so preventable!

To the second bullet point, I’m going to write another post (most likely my next post) about what exactly I’m fighting against. Long story short without getting into too much detail: I don’t want to be a guy I don’t particularly enjoy being anymore. I’m capable of so much more and I want to start living up to it.

Stay tuned as I continue to flush out my goals, continue to train for my 2nd 5k coming up in 4 weeks, continue cooking more and buying less, and continue to walk down this journey to life long healthiness. I’ve already lost 3 lbs in the past week since this new resurgence, now it’s time to iron out the details of the goals (if you have any suggestions, let me know!) and get to work!