Back To It

For once, a post where I discuss getting back into the groove of things without needing to find a gif of a wagon on fire or a shame nun! If anything, that’s progress in itself, haha.

It’s been a week since running the Night Nation Run and I did do some stretching and light walking, but for all intensive purposes I took a week off. Upon making my return to the gym, I initially planned on taking it easy and toning it back just to get everything back into working order. Continue reading “Back To It”

Night Nation Run 5k Wrapup: Competitive vs Fun Runs

5k #2 is in the books! Night Nation Run was a blast, Team “Dat High Hat Doe” had a good representation and we did our thing. This was a much different experience than my experience at the Bucktown 5k last September, that’s for sure.

While Bucktown was more of a competitive/traditional race, Night Nation Run was more of a fun run environment, both of which has its pros and cons. But before I get into that, let’s do a breakdown of how the night went. Continue reading “Night Nation Run 5k Wrapup: Competitive vs Fun Runs”

A Testament To My Progress

This is sort of a continuation of my April 2016 wrap up post, but in the midst of this rough period of my life, one thing that’s remained positive is my journey to healthiness. Today’s workout was led by a trainer that I’ve never met, and afterward he gave me a pat on the back and said, “you killed it man!” I noticed during the workout he kept a watch on me in the mirror and seemed to be surprised at what I was doing, that someone my size shouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing, and that’s a real testament to the work I’ve put in over the past year and change. Continue reading “A Testament To My Progress”

Being Tested Early

I promised myself I would be an open book with the blog, to show an accurate journal or something going through a weight loss journey. I knew there would be triumphs, and I knew that I would be tested.

Just a few days have passed since I posted What I’m Up Against in this whole weight loss journey. Let’s take a moment to reread the 2nd to last sentence of that post, “It’s time to put in the work, stay disciplined, stay focused, and not let my emotions get me off track.” I had no clue that the true test of that statement would come so quickly. Continue reading “Being Tested Early”

Wrap-Up: April 2016

It’s about time I started these again! I’ve been putting it off because of the shame of the weight I’ve gained back. Speaking of, we have a new geeky reference for my slip-ups. Joining the Oregon Trail wagon bursting into flames I present to you, the Shame Nun from Game of Thrones!


Now that that’s out of the way and I’ve faced the music (because of the bell, get it?!?!) Let’s begin this recap of my current status. Continue reading “Wrap-Up: April 2016”

Weight Loss Journey – What I’m Up Against

I believe it’s Sun Tzu that said something along the lines of, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” It’s no secret that the weight loss journey is long and grueling, a battle that many lose. In order to be successful and keep motivated to fully attack this head on, it’s good to know your enemy. So I’m going to examine exactly what I’m up against in my battle to be healthy.

I’m going to split these up into two general categories: internal and external factors. Continue reading “Weight Loss Journey – What I’m Up Against”