Back To It

For once, a post where I discuss getting back into the groove of things without needing to find a gif of a wagon on fire or a shame nun! If anything, that’s progress in itself, haha.

It’s been a week since running the Night Nation Run and I did do some stretching and light walking, but for all intensive purposes I took a week off. Upon making my return to the gym, I initially planned on taking it easy and toning it back just to get everything back into working order.

Once I started going I found that I actually felt really good, so I listened to my body and kept going but in a good way for once. It was a Strength day, so higher weights and lower reps and inclines when on the treadmill. Despite taking a week off, I really felt like I didn’t miss a step.

In fact, even though I maintained or even stepped up the intensity on cardio, my total calorie burn was slightly below my average because my cardio was strong and my heart rate didn’t go up as high as it did just a week ago.

This is incredibly encouraging to say the least!

One thing that’s fascinating to me is that this year (as opposed to last year), while the actual number on the scale is much slower (disappointingly slow, as a matter of fact) my athletic ability has grown a lot quicker this time around.

I’m performing at the rate I was a year ago, both when running, cardio recovery, and in lifting even though I’m 20 pounds heavier than I was a year ago!

It’s baffling to me, to be honest. While I do notice a chance in how my clothes fit, the belt is a little bit looser, the chest is a little bit smaller, the scale hasn’t reflected it. I know it could be due to muscle gain, especially my leg muscles I can see and feel definition starting to form there. This is all mirroring last year, only it’s different this time around.

I was much more nutritionally disciplined, that’s got to be the x-factor regarding the slowness in fat loss on the scale. I’m just amazed that my cardio and strength have held up despite the nutritional relaxation, with the higher weight one can argue that it’s even better than it was a year ago.

Perhaps this is because I had previously built up those muscles, and while I lost it over my big slip up/break, rebuilding it now is much easier than initially building it a year ago.

Either way, it’s encouraging and just a sign that I need to keep going. As my mantra has always been, whether it’s a decrease in weight or an increase in performance, my end goal is both. So as long as there’s progress in one area, I’m not going to sweat it too hard.

My body is handling it well and I am incredibly thankful for that. I’m ready, my body is telling me it’s ready to handle the task at hand, now it’s time to just keep on doing it!