My Introduction to Yoga

I’ve never had good flexibility. The “President test” days back in elementary PE were the worst. I have always been curious about Yoga, you always hear about the benefits of doing it. So, when my friend suggested I join a yoga class with her, I jumped on the chance.

It helped that the class meets catty corner from my apartment and it’s with the Chicago Park District, so it’s a pretty good price!

Despite signing up a few months ago, the class began at the perfect time. As I wrote in my the last blog post, in physical therapy, they determined some of my weaknesses were flexibility and core. So at this recovery stage of my fitness, yoga and physical therapy seem to go hand in hand with each other.

You can call the pairing “Yogi and Boo Boo!” (I just thought of that while writing this and I’m much more proud of it than I should be.) Continue reading “My Introduction to Yoga”

Beginning Physical Therapy

This has been a long time coming, physical therapy was inevitable. I first wrote about my Plantar Fascitis in my left foot leading to pain in my right Achilles over a year ago. I finally went to the doctor and as one of the trainers at Orange Theory Fitness said, “it’s about damn time!”

I want to say a quick thank you to everyone following the blog and interacting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. A reader who’s a physical therapist (and long time family friend) messaged me recommending I see someone.

That outside voice prompted me to seek getting the help I need. Thank you for the support and caring! Continue reading “Beginning Physical Therapy”