Hot Chocolate 5k in the Books!

This morning I completed my 4th 5k race, however, something was very different. For the first time ever I walked away happy and completely satisfied!

Ever since I had the random idea to run a 5k as I posted way back last March, my goals have always remained somewhat the same:

  1. Complete it healthy and have fun
  2. Run the entire time
  3. Sub 45 minutes

Thus far, I’ve always completed the first goal, just completing. While I was proud each time of what I accomplished, how it all played out always felt like somewhat a participation ribbon.

Today that changed. Continue reading “Hot Chocolate 5k in the Books!”

Hot Chocolate 5k Goals

Up until this point my 5k goals have been pretty much the same: survive and have fun. However, this being my 4th try at it, I think it’s time to step things up. Exactly how though, is slightly a different story.

This time around, my base line goal of “completing injury free and have fun,” should be a given. So at the very least, my goal is to get a PR. 48:22, I’m gunning for you! From there, it gets a little grey, so I can definitely use advise if anybody has some. Continue reading “Hot Chocolate 5k Goals”