Forced Focus: Nutrition and Gut Health

In my last post I talked a lot about changing my mindset to focus more on nutrition instead of training. Well, seems like my gut health has forced me to focus on this issue, at least that’s the silver lining I’m attempting to make from this current situation.

Some of you may remember I posted back in August how I contracted a bad stomach bug after traveling overseas. I recovered after a couple weeks, although I only got to maybe 90% healthy. A couple weeks ago I realized that it’s been 3 MONTHS since the trip and I’m still not 100%.

It doesn’t affect my day-to-day activity, however, if my body hasn’t fixed it by now then it’s time to get some help.

I have to remember that my goal isn’t to lose weight or get strong, it’s to get healthy. Gut health is extremely important to your overall health, so I went see the doctor.

The doctor didn’t seem worried at all and explained that sometimes bacterial infections can linger. So he wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic and I was on my way. Continue reading “Forced Focus: Nutrition and Gut Health”

Random Thoughts, New Goals, New Focus

Now that it’s been a week since my Hot Chocolate 5k triumph, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking (as I normally do). This post will be much less structured than normal and will be a mish-mash of everything I’ve been thinking about as I move forward setting new goals on the next stage on the journey. Continue reading “Random Thoughts, New Goals, New Focus”