Self Visualization and Motivation

Any of you that know me in real life know that it was just a matter of time before I took a gym bathroom selfie. I was particularly feeling it today at the gym, even though I took a couple days off because the ankle was feeling funky. I was itching to get back to the gym, showing my motivation is doing well.

That got me thinking, I’m taking a lot more pictures of myself now than when I first started. Maybe it’s because I’m more comfortable sharing myself with everyone in general. For example, at the beginning I was hesitant to share specific numbers regarding weight, strength, mph, etc.

Maybe I just hated looking at pictures of myself, maybe the denial was that strong back then. Maybe I just didn’t want to see things as they were.

Perhaps it was that mentality that led to my inability to visualize myself successful. I even think I’ve written in this blog before that I can’t visualize myself thin since I’ve always been large. As my motivation and confidence improve, that statement becomes increasingly false. Continue reading “Self Visualization and Motivation”

My Journey So Far: Crunching the Numbers

Baker by the Pound started just over two years ago and what a journey it as been. After much number crunching from my workout/weight log it really brought many things into perspective.

Look at this guy after his first workout at Orange Theory, feet standing outward, huffing and puffing after his first workout in years. The journey from this guy to what I am now has been long and full of ups and downs, but one thing’s for sure: I’ve learned a ton about myself, my body, and my abilities.

For me it started with a “what the heck, why not,” instead of a lightbulb motivating moment.


Continue reading “My Journey So Far: Crunching the Numbers”

Check In: More of the Same, but Different….

Now that we’re 10 days into the new year, I’m actually in somewhat a groove and thought I would check in quickly to document where things are right now. I’ve finally undone the damage done over holiday eating and I’m falling back into good habits.

In other words things are the same as last I checked in, however, for some reason things feel a bit different right now. Continue reading “Check In: More of the Same, but Different….”