Progress Report: April 2017

Yeah, I dropped the “monthly check in” name in exchange for the more vague “Progress Report.” I know I should be more diligent, especially since the whole point of me making this blog is to keep me honest and on track. But it ended up just frustrating me more in my shortcomings, and even though my goal will be to check in monthly, simply calling it a progress report helps me out more mentally.

The last check in of this type was in January, and it’s been an interesting couple of months.

Essentially, I somewhat fell off the wagon during February, luckily I only ended up gaining 3 lbs in that time. I got back on the wagon in March and ended up losing 4 lbs during that month.

Long story short, in the two and a half months since my last true check in, I’ve lost 1 lb!

Pretty laughable, but at least I’ve turned it around and am heading in the right direction. Just for giggles, let’s do the ol’ eye test.

At least it's going down, right?

Now, there’s actually something interesting there, as with this new form fitting and white progress shirt, it allows to see everything. In the front view, you can see more wrinkles on the right side, and in the side view, the cloth is definitely more bunched up above my belly.

So, perhaps the one pound was all lost in my chest, or perhaps I’ve gained some strength overall.

Looking at my workout chart/diary, my speed is about the same, perhaps slightly faster than it was in January, but actually with the floor exercises I have been using heavier weights. Coincidentally, the heavier weights have been used in my upper body exercises like chest press, snatches, kettlebell swings, ISO back flys.

I even feel some definition in my calves and shoulders! I don’t remember if I felt that back in January, but I feel it now!

Either way, I’ll take it. On an even more positive note, at least I feel like I have somefeeling of momentum on my side, and mentally I’m in a better place approaching this as well. Hopefully that sticks once the next bout of stress comes along, right?

As it always seems to happen, today another fitness YouTuber I follow named Chubbyemu posted a video that I needed to hear:

Pretty much, he talks about that it doesn’t matter how long it takes for you to get there, once you get there people won’t know the difference. This brings the focus back inward and allows me to see the progress I have made.

While the numbers have been up and down, the overall numbers much slower than I’d like, at least it’s going in the right direction. I’m gaining strength, I’m able to do things physically that I haven’t done in decades (or ever!), so I need to keep that and just move forward.

Last week I wore my Blackhawk shirt to the gym, the one that I use in my total “before” picture. I always enjoy wearing it because it reminds me of how far I’ve come. While I have a long way to go, I have made strides along this path.

Slow progress, but progress nevertheless

I need to make another goal, something to work towards. I want to look into another 5k. Now that it’s getting nicer outside, perhaps it’s time to start jogging outside again!

I’ll think on it some more, but this was just a check-in, in case anyone’s worried that I slipped up completely again!