Bucktown 5k Again & Acknowledging Negative Mentality

*People say a weight loss journey is more mental than physical. I’ve had a few of these posts, but I’d like to have a very open conversation into the negative mentality that can often plague me.*

Oh hello! My name is David. I write in a blog sometimes, but have been slacking a lot lately. My Instagram and Facebook have been pretty consistent though! A lot has happened in the almost 3 months since my last post: participated in the Sundowner 5k, been pretty consistent with training, and did the Bucktown 5k again today!

I’ll (hopefully) write another post catching up with everything soon, but I’d like to start with recapping today’s race, plus some things that’s been on my mind since. I came to the realization that I’m far too mean to myself mentally. That mindset has helped get me to where I am, but I strongly feel that it’s also preventing me from being where I want to be. Continue reading “Bucktown 5k Again & Acknowledging Negative Mentality”