Goals in 2019

Things have been rolling pretty well. I’ve lost about 10 lbs, which is roughly half of what I gained over the winter months. The workouts have been going well, been able to lift heavier and starting to be able to go faster on the treadmill. Right now, what’s lacking most is flexibility and endurance, but that will come with diligent stretching and consistency.

As we’ve learned the past few years, I tend to need a solid goal to work towards. Apparently, “quality of life” isn’t enough, wanting to look good for weddings sort of works but that motivation doesn’t stick (I already have 2 this year, btw!). But what does seem to motivate me (most of the time) is 5k races.

So on the Facebook page, I linked to a few 5k races that’s been coming up and put out the message, “If anyone wants to do any of these, I will do it with you…..”

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Making A New Plan

I feel like I’m finally getting into the swing of things. Maybe that old “3 weeks to develop new habits” cliche actually has some merit behind it. I feel like my body has now flipped the switch and is in prime burning mode.

One of the fun things that happens when you’re my size is sometimes things happen in chunks. Yesterday was suddenly a phenomenal workout, when I’ve been dragging the past 3 weeks. Then, as I was complaining about not getting the usual initial water weight dump a couple days ago, I lose 4lbs overnight.

Now, I know not to take too much stock in it as I could easily weigh myself tomorrow and have gained everything back and then some. Or it could be my muscles were holding onto the weight as it adjusted to working out again, who knows.

The lesson to be learned from that is that it’s a good reminder that weight loss is never a linear process, and sometimes when things are stagnant you just have to keep chugging along.

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Re-Introducing Myself

Hi there! I’m David. I’m on a journey to make myself healthy, sometimes I post here and it’s been a heck of a long time!

Now, it’s no secret that breaking decades of poor habits is no easy task. Pretty much everyone says the mental aspect of it is more difficult than they physical aspect. I knew there would be bad days, weeks, even months.

But considering the rush I had out of gate, even with my stumbles along the way, I never would have guessed I would have a bad YEAR, heck year and a half!

Here’s the TLDR since the last post. Had some ups and downs. My inability to handle work related stress got the best of me and I gained everything back and then some. To the point of “largest ever” status (Or at least largest recorded, since I didn’t step on a scale for so long before starting this blog. But considering clothes fitting and whanot, it’s close if not largest).

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