Re-Introducing Myself

Hi there! I’m David. I’m on a journey to make myself healthy, sometimes I post here and it’s been a heck of a long time!

Now, it’s no secret that breaking decades of poor habits is no easy task. Pretty much everyone says the mental aspect of it is more difficult than they physical aspect. I knew there would be bad days, weeks, even months.

But considering the rush I had out of gate, even with my stumbles along the way, I never would have guessed I would have a bad YEAR, heck year and a half!

Here’s the TLDR since the last post. Had some ups and downs. My inability to handle work related stress got the best of me and I gained everything back and then some. To the point of “largest ever” status (Or at least largest recorded, since I didn’t step on a scale for so long before starting this blog. But considering clothes fitting and whanot, it’s close if not largest).

Crazy disappointment in myself, I feel I’ve let everyone down. I don’t get how I let it happen, but that’s something to take into mind moving forward.

I touched on this the last post I had, but every time I’ve had to restart it becomes more difficult. That trend continues. Even with this latest batch of motivation, I didn’t have that initial boost of water weight loss, and it’s just a grind from the get go.

But as things currently stand, I’ve been consistent for about 3 weeks (I have kept up updates on my Facebook and Instagram). and have lost about 5-6 pounds. Although my body feels the way it does when I’ve lost more.

I’m taking a different, slower approach to things. Keeping consistency over intensity while battling mentally the fact that I’m unable to physically do things I was able to do not too long ago. My speed is slower, my resistance training is weaker, and my flexibility may be the worst it’s ever been.

I also have a few “accountability threads” with some friends who’s also trying to get healthier, and having that team mentality also helps.

So, this really does feel like starting from scratch. Next will be new (and hopefully final) “before” pictures.

Speaking of new approaches, I may take a new approach to this blog. Once I got wrapped up in it before, I always felt pressured to have “good content,” and after a while writing here felt more of a burden than anything else.

So I think moving forward, for the time being I’m going to make this more of a “stream of consciousness” journal. I’ll try to link to articles, videos, and add pics as before as well, but I won’t stress myself of having to have a good, concise, SEO’d post each time.

Now that I got this all off my chest, I’ll work out how often I should post here and get things rolling again. I’m feeling good, starting to feel strong, and am re-motivated and ready to build new, better habits