Roller Coaster Ride

Fun fact, when I was a kid, I absolutely LOVED amusement parks. Thankfully, my parents were kind enough to indulge me whenever we’d visit a different city to check them out if there was one near by. In fact, for a while I wanted to be a roller coaster designer for a long while.

Unfortunately, when you’re in your late 30s and the roller coaster is your weight, the ride is less fun.

What got me thinking about this is I decided to plot out all my weigh-ins from the duration of this blog into a graph. It really was eye opening and interesting to see.

But first, I’ll start with the good news:

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Proud Moment, Mentality, & Perspective

Today was a really strange day, and I think I need to type out my thoughts here or I’m going to be up all night thinking about it, so please humor me for a second.

Following up on my last post, been keeping up with working out, I’ve been better with nutrition, although I can always do better. At least this time I stocked up on some healthier snacks.

I’m still somewhat lower energy, so I’m going to wait another week or so and see if it really is lingering never-fully-manifested illness, or if there’s some other thing I have to look into. Maybe take a deep look into mental health or something.

In any case, yesterday I was motivated to tackle this week head on. Signed up for the gym for this morning, had the aforementioned healthier food. Weighed in and I surprisingly didn’t gain any real weight during the week long break. I was good to go.

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