Cruising Along at Increased Workout Frequency

A quick update, since the last post 4 days ago I’ve been keeping up the consistency and I’m starting to feel really good. My last rest day was 2 days ago and I’ve kept up the 2 days on, one day off cycle. Now that my month at Orange Theory has rolled over and the monthly class count has reset, I’m going to have to switch things up a bit, that or just go for the unlimited plan.

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Countdown Approaching and a Kickstart

It’s been a few weeks and we all know what that means. Strange thing is I reread my previous post and honestly could just copy and paste that into this post. It’s like I’m in sort of a repeating cycle, like that Edge of Tomorrow movie with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, and I’m just doing trials by error through each iteration.

So, essentially, same as before, had a work stress which then somehow stretched into 2.5 week break in workouts and eating horribly in the meantime. I’ve finally gotten back to workouts 5 days ago, mostly because I freaked out because my next 5k is less than a month away and I’m nowhere near ready. In fact, I feel like I’m less ready now than I was when I did my first jog near my fam’s house a couple months ago.

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