Countdown Approaching and a Kickstart

It’s been a few weeks and we all know what that means. Strange thing is I reread my previous post and honestly could just copy and paste that into this post. It’s like I’m in sort of a repeating cycle, like that Edge of Tomorrow movie with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, and I’m just doing trials by error through each iteration.

So, essentially, same as before, had a work stress which then somehow stretched into 2.5 week break in workouts and eating horribly in the meantime. I’ve finally gotten back to workouts 5 days ago, mostly because I freaked out because my next 5k is less than a month away and I’m nowhere near ready. In fact, I feel like I’m less ready now than I was when I did my first jog near my fam’s house a couple months ago.

The Jumpstart

I’ve recently been working on a project that involves a former professional athlete. While scouring the footage he talked a little bit about how the body is resistant to exercise after a point and will fight back. And the way they counteract that is with the “hell week” 2 a days and whatnot. Basically, set a new floor.

So, in typical me fashion, I had a freakout, “I need to get into shape ASAP” moment, I’ve worked out 4 times in the last 6 days. Turns out, that for obese, out of shape guys coming off a 2.5 week break, it doesn’t quite work the same as what the elite athlete talked about.

I’ve had that extreme fatigue where I just want to sleep all the time. Luckily, I’ve reached a week long slow patch in work so I can afford to do it, so I think I’ll roll with it. I’m planning on going again tomorrow even though I was pretty sore and feeling tight today. Perhaps it will actually let my body jump into that wolverine-like workout mode soon.

I did muster up the courage to weigh myself this morning, it was 6 lbs higher than last time. Pretty disgusting to think I can gain weight that quickly, but I hope a good chunk of it is in water retention. Both in eating unhealthy foods and in water that the muscles retain when working out as I still have yet to have that initial water purge that I have when getting back into consistent workouts.

My pants/belt have remained the same size, so that’s what I’m basing my assumptions off of.

Bears 5k in under a month

The Bears 5k in in 3.5 weeks, and where I am, still larger than my “largest” was at the beginning of this blog (back then I was still just power walking on the treadmill at the gym!). My muscles got tight after running a quarter mile on the treadmill today…..I don’t know what to expect.

One thing it better be is a heckava lot better than the Santa race I attempted back in December. I’m just hoping I’ll drop the water weight soon to alleviate the muscles/joints, because I’m planning on continuing to do this higher frequency as long as my body allows.

Side note: I do realize with my history of injury that this is somewhat a risk, however, I have been listening to my body and so far all of the pain is in the muscles and not the tendons or joints. So what some fitness people would call the “good” hurt. And while I’m trying to continue to push myself at the gym, I’ll ease up if I’m starting to not feel right.

Back to the topic at hand, a friend that’s running it with me asked what’s my goal for this race, and I honestly still don’t know. Even after thinking about it for a bit, I have no clue what’s a reasonable goal that’ll also push me.

Obviously, the elusive 45 minute time, and getting a PR over that Costume Clash 5k would be ideal. But that’s honestly not realistic right now, and even thinking to do that would just set me up to be pissed at myself. Considering how much trouble I have with the mental side of this, I need to have a goal that will be positive.

On the other hand, it can’t be such a softball goal that I’ll be upset at myself to being too easy on myself…..

Yeah, I know, I’m messed up a bit.

Perhaps it’s best to monitor my progress the next couple weeks and then set the goal a week or so before the race. Even if this race ends up just being a “complete it in a healthy fashion in under an hour” race, I have to remember that I have signed up for 2 more races this year, so perhaps that can be the redeeming ones. Considering my current weight and fitness ability, maybe that’s the best I can ask for.

Strange thing is that these races have been doing it’s job. Apparently, quality of life, aesthetics, and living longer aren’t good motivators for me, but these races do help, even if it’s just in the final month before the race.

Extra Thoughts

I know I’ve written a lot about fatigue lately. I’m beginning to think it’s because I’m trying to do the same that I’ve done in the past, but with carrying all this extra weight. So I’ll just be careful and keep at it. In just this first week, despite the fatigue, I’ve felt better overall, so I guess with everything, just roll with it and adapt as needed.