Rolling Along and Looking Forward to Donuts

Since my last post, things have been rolling along. In that 8 day period I went to Orange Theory 3 times and ran outside today. Progress is coming quickly and since this is the maybe 3rd or 4th time I’ve gone through this process of a mini break, I’m learning some interesting things.

Getting My Legs Back

My performance at Orange Theory steadily improved. I suppose it was only a week and a half since the Bears 5k but it felt like much longer than that. There was only a little rust to shake off and been really getting on track lately.

Especially yesterday’s workout, which was an endurance based workout focused on speeding up our “base pace.” I was able to do so and did something that I haven’t been able to do in a long time, have my base pace be a slow jog.

So I feel this can really accelerate my progress in distance running if at OTF I’m not just running in 2-4 minute increments with walking in between, but genuine jogging faster and slower with only a couple walk breaks, usually after an all-out sprint.

I’m really happy with this and was still able to jog outside today. Unfortunately, my phone’s gps didn’t work again, but I’m pretty sure it was in the 1.25 mile range. I think I figured out the technology issue and will have it fixed for next time.

The best part is with adding intensity and frequency, there’s no sign of any previous injuries. I’m even starting to notice a difference in my flexibility once again.

Water Weight

As I alluded to up top, I’ve had a few peaks and valleys in weight. I keep having a week or so off, gain a bunch of weight, then re-lose the weight. Somehow in that week and a half since Bears 5k, I jumped back up to 312 lbs, essentially, the 6 lbs I lost between the previous break and the race.

I know most of it is water, but still interesting that it seems to keep jumping up to the same number over and over again. It’s almost like that’s what my body wants to be a base right now.

Anyhow, I’m back to eating better and hydrating more, which means I lose maybe an lb of water a day. Which, I’m so glad I work from home because I’m using the bathroom CONSTANTLY during this process.

Luckily, it’s only the first 2-3 days that are bad, then after that things tend to settle down. I remember a few months ago, I went through one of these periods and had a film event to attend. During the screening I had to jump over people to run to the restroom TWICE during the film, so embarrassing.

And, it’s not in my head, both times was “bladder full to the max” style once I got there. I was almost impressed with myself.

So, good to get this out of the way now, so my body can settle in by the time the race comes.

Upcoming Vacation

Another thing coming down the pipeline is almost exactly a month from today, I’m headed on a family trip to Disney World. Us deciding to go on the trip was the motivator to jump back into workout out, so I can tolerate the heat, walking around, and maybe even stand the chance to keep up with the nieces.

There’s also anxiety being a big guy in a theme park. I know that Disney is usually plus size friendly, I never had problems there in the past. Although, as I’ve whined about here before, I’m sort of at an all-time high right now. So there’s that anxiety that I won’t be able to snap down a thing, or be unable to ride something because of my size.

There’s also the airplane ride, thankfully, I’ll likely be sitting next to one of my tiny nieces, so I’ll be able to stretch over into their territory.

Even back in last September, going to NOLA for a friend’s bachelor party, I had to use an extender for the seatbelt. For my own pride, I’d LOVE to not have to use it this time around.

Of course, my multiple slip-ups the past few months may have blown the chance of that happening, but perhaps if I’m really good the next month I’ll have a fighting chance.

Side note, there’s also the anxiety of going swimming too. I haven’t tried on my swimsuit, but it was pretty darn tight last time I tried it on in the fall. According to my weight chart, I was just a few pounds heavier than I am now. So, might want to try it on just to gauge where I’m at with that.

Temporary Solution?

Although, I do have somewhat a problem with this mentality. Because it feels like I’m going to diet for a month. What I NEED is a lifestyle change, but perhaps this will help jump start things again.

Also, with my current willpower, will I be able to last a whole month being on the spot. Cooking food MUCH more than buying food, getting back to my list of healthy recipes, and really get back into the swing of that.

It really is a shame that I’ve been in my new apartment for a year now, and I haven’t cooked nearly as much as I should have. So much either ordering out, or getting a chicken from the grocery store or other pre-cooked meal.

We all know that weight loss is 80% nutrition, and I’m aware of that. Just a weird mentality thing that made me lazy.

Luckily, now that I’m breaking out my month-long July funk, I’ll also pick up the cooking motivation again and really get back on track this time!

Donuts in 11 Days!

I had other bullet points to talk about, but I think I’ll start wrapping things up. Stan’s Donut 5k is 11 days away. I’m looking forward to getting back out there. I don’t know if I’ll have a true set goal.

It would be nice to do better than the Bears 5k last month, but with the little break, there may not be enough time to make substantial progress.

The only thing that’s for sure is I want to keep up the “be nice to yourself” mentality. Even if I have a bad performance, I’m doing my freaking best in these!

So, my plan is to keep going really hard as much as my body can handle this week, then taper down so I’m not worn out come race time. So, I’m pleased and hope to keep going!