Waveforms & Forfeiting Donuts

As I move forward on this journey, I was tracking my weight and realized the past 3 months I essentially lost and gained the same 6 or so pounds over and over again.

Check it out, it looks just like an audio waveform!

I bet if you listened to the audio of that waveform, it would say, “AAAHHHHH!”

Thankfully, I’m on the low end of that and have the motivation to keep going.

The Bug Bites Again

Also, remember the rule of this blog, whenever I post something positive, that means disaster is about to strike, right?

Well, as I was increasing the frequency of workouts (and let’s be honest, I’m trying to also increase the intensity), low and behold, last Wednesday my right knee starts to hurt.

Luckily, the next day was a planned rest day, and I took an extra recovery day. When I went to workout on Saturday, I felt GREAT. I’ve dropped a couple more pounds of water weight and I was ready to go.

That is…..until I tried to push it. I decided to dial back and keep it conservative as soon as I felt anything. Yesterday, that discomfort was back.

This morning, I just walked 2 miles to stay active. I still sweat, I got my heart rate up, and that’s all that matters. After resting a bit and working, I could tell even with just walking the knee was a little inflamed. So I iced it..

Right now it feels pretty good. Earlier today I would feel some pressure going up the stairs or even standing from a chair, but it’s been better already. So maybe I’ll keep walking the remainder of the week.

Forfeiting Donuts

Unfortunately, this comes with a race coming up this Saturday. The Stan’s Donut 5k is here Saturday, I originally intended to rest Th and Fri to have fresh legs, and I intend to keep that, only now I may not be able to jog in the days leading up either.

Kind of a bummer. It’s definitely one of those “I COULD push through, but I probably shouldn’t” type of situations.

I need to keep the bigger picture in mind, why risk injuring myself for real just for the sake of one race? Especially with the Disney trip coming up in a few weeks, don’t want to be hurting when there’s going to be so much walking required!

Luckily, since this 5k is donut related, it’s not super competitive. There’s even a separate start time for walkers. So, maybe I’ll see what I’m feeling like that day and either go in the VERY back of the runners, or just go in with the walkers.

Pushing it is not worth it! I’ll just have fun and celebrate what I will be able to do that day!