We’ve all heard the “gaining the Covid 19 lbs” joke, and in my case, it wasn’t too far off. At the least it sure felt that way! It seems like people either severely struggled or absolutely thrived throughout the ever-changing conditions during the Covid pandemic. Unfortunately I feel most people, myself very much included, fell into that former category.
Oh, hello! Nice to see you again! For those that don’t remember, I’m David. This page is a journal of my wellness journey, an accountability tool, and a way to keep things fresh for me on this long and grueling journey.
I first posted here way back in December of 2014, and I don’t think that I would have guessed that 6.5 years later I would be starting again for the umpteenth time. I know everyone always says weight loss isn’t a linear path, and one would always expect to have bad days, weeks, maybe even a month. But having a bad year, multiple bad years? I honestly wasn’t ready for that.
But here I am to attempt to rise from the ashes once again and see what can come of all of this.