Recap: June 2021

Out of all the months that I’ve been on this health and wellness journey, June 2021 was definitely one of them.

There was some flashes of motivation and heading in the right direction, but overall was kind of a lot of nothing. Here’s my recap of June 2021.

At least I did get some walking in for a while!

Static Friction

If I remember my high school physics class correctly, static friction has the highest coefficient of resistance. Meaning, then an object is stationary, it takes the most force to get it to move. Meanwhile, sliding and rolling resistance still takes force, but less than static.

Point being, I’m struggling to gain momentum at all. In the past, it’s at least taken a couple months before I’d taper out. This time is different, and I’m having trouble just gaining any footing whatsoever, and that’s incredibly frustrating.

What Went Well

There are some things that went well this past month, I started to cook more, or at least some.

I was pretty diligent with walking, even did some workouts while on weekend getaway as I posted in my last post.

Unfortunately, the 2nd half of the month and I got busy with work, although that’s just an excuse. One of those sneaky ruts came into play, where I get extremely lethargic and have no energy or motivation whatsoever. This is all part of the mental aspect that I’ve been working on.

Sad to say, I’ve struggled with the mental health upkeep as well, I’ve switched therapists, but I think the TalkSpace format isn’t quite for me. I’ll likely write a post about this on it’s own once this all plays out.

Rejoining Society

Speaking of mental health, I’ve been making a more concerted effort to rejoin society and have in person interactions with others more. One thing that has come to be a surprise is that I’ve been affected by quarantine/lockdown/COVID-19 a LOT more than I previously thought.

Especially at the beginning I’d joke, “my life hasn’t changed that much, I work and live alone freelance and didn’t go out much anyway.” But now that I’m getting myself to interact with others, I’ve come to realize how awkward I’ve gotten around people I’m not 100% comfortable being around.

I’ve always been on the timid/slow-to-open-up side, but it’s been taken to a new level. I’ve noticed sometimes I stumble over words, don’t know how to phrase sentences, and much more. Huge surprise and to be honest I was taken back by it. Even in the moments it was happening, I was realizing it was happening and couldn’t do anything about it!

It’s tough to explain, but the key takeaway is I just need to do it more. I’m not too concerned because at least we’re all in the same boat to a degree, it’ll come back with time.

Positive Things

There are some positive things that I can take from this month:

  • I am ever-so-slightly, but noticeably, more flexible. Especially when picking things up from the floor and tying shoes.
  • I did find that working out when on the road is possible, while I wasn’t the most successful at it, I know it’s not off the table completely.
  • I’m starting to learn new recipes and branch out more, and I do enjoy it. I just need to stay motivated and keep cooking
  • While the mental health/motivation aspect has struggled, at least I recognize it and that’s the first step in fixing the problem

Final Thoughts

Final thoughts while moving forward, I just need to keep plugging away and start to make more concerted efforts. This is all stuff I’m well aware of and things I’ve done before, it’s just a matter of doing it.

It’s about time I started hitting up the gym proper again. I’m considering going to “normal” gym route vs going back to Orange Theory, at least for a short period of time. My thinking is that I’m so far behind in athletic ability that paying the premium for Orange Theory would go to waste. That also feels like a mode of mental procrastination, but something to noodle over for a little bit.

Sorry this isn’t a more exciting post, but really feels like a lot of nothing has happened this month as far as health and wellness is concerned. But I’m trying to stay positive, continue to work on my mentality and integrating into society, and we’ll go from there!

One last thing, here’s a fun video I made, a memorial to my jeans that, like many of it’s brethren, had succomed to the crotch wearing out: