Weight Loss Challenge Week 5 – Motivation

This week was a rough one. The lowered caloric intake, the higher energy expenditure, my body is literally eating itself. I’m just trying desperately to make sure it’s eating fat instead of muscle/bone/anything it’s not supposed to.

Something I’ve been getting into is watching weight loss related videos on YouTube while eating dinner and relaxing. This whole thing has become a part of my life. As I hope this blog helps out other people someday, other people have been down similar journeys and have shared their stories.

Here’s a couple that I really like: Continue reading “Weight Loss Challenge Week 5 – Motivation”

Weight Loss Challenge Week 4

This week was eye-opening, I feel like I’ve hit a 2nd stride.

Physically, I’ve been feeling really good, so I upped my frequency once again from every other day (3.5x/week average) to a straight up 4x/week. The extra calorie burn made the difference, and honestly the frequency made me want to cheat less.

I haven’t really cheated much during this time, unless it’s a cheat meal, but I noticed on days that I work out I don’t WANT to cheat. So going more will hopefully subside that desire to cheat.

For food, I made the adobo chicken breast again because it’s super easy. For the opposite day made a baked garlic parmesean chicken. It’s really good, not the healthiest thing ever, but it’s really good. I add pepper flakes for extra spice and it’s really something that I look forward to eating!

Also made a slew of veggies mixed with lentils soup. It looked a little gross, but it tasted really good and that’s all that matters!

Back on track!

Weight: 277.4

7.4 lbs lost since last week!

24.2 lbs lost during the competition!

I’ve already surpassed my original goal, now I just want to win the competition, let’s see how far I can (healthily) go!

No More Excuses

How does the quote go with body transformations?

It takes 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, 12 weeks for the world to notice.

I’m not sure how accurate that is, because at least in my gym a lot of people have noticed my transformation so far. Now that there’s been some attention, now I’ve realized that there’s no more excuses I can give. Continue reading “No More Excuses”

Reading Labels

As part of the weight loss challenge, the head trainer at the gym, Will have us a grocery store tour at our local Trader Joe’s. This was pretty sweet, a real life “eat this, not that” type of thing with a person there to answer all of my questions.

Some real interesting tid bits I learned from this:

– Read the labels, this seems obvious, but as someone that works in marketing it’s very believable to see how deceiving the front of any packaging can be. You have to put in the foot work, read exactly how much is in everything. It takes time, but it really is worth it, it’s insane how much salt, sugar, and fat is added to pretty much EVERYTHING.

– It’s also about quality. While looking at the number portion is important, also look at the ingredients. My overall goal is to become healthy in each way, so it’s really about the quality of the food I eat and not just quantity and calories. Just like above with everything else, it’s amazing how many chemicals and preservatives are added to everything.

– On that note…for snacks, I’ve stopped eating the individual fruit at the bottom of the cup greek yogurt. Because there’s a ton of chemicals added to keep it fresh and preventing it from mixing with the rest of the yogurt, for presentation purposes! For pretty much the same cost, I can buy a tub of greek yogurt, a package of fruit and add it myself, and now I’m not eating fruit flavored chemicals at the same price!

He gave a lot of little nutritional tips that will really help me out and take my game up and get me back on a larger losing trail. Time to completely redo my grocery list and rethink what I’m going to cook in the next few weeks!

Weight Loss Challenge Week 1

The first week has come and gone, and things are really going well! One of the trainers told me to expect maybe a 7 lb loss this week due to an initial water weight loss because of major changes to the diet.

This morning I weighted in at 286.6 lbs!

That would make exactly a 15 lb weight loss in one week! That’s amazing! That’s….infomercial good! Even my trainer was surprised, his response was, “how shitty was your diet before?!?!” I guess it was worse than I thought! Continue reading “Weight Loss Challenge Week 1”

Creamy Broccoli Spinach Soup

A co-worker of mine turned me onto this soup, she tried it and really liked it. Combine two “super food” veggies, have avocado in lieu of actual creme, and you have a healthy soup!

I’ll edit this once I figure out how to reblog, but until then, here’s the link to the page:

http://www.sugarfreemom.com/recipes/creamy-cream-less-broccoli-soup-gluten-free-dairy-free-low-carb/ Continue reading “Creamy Broccoli Spinach Soup”

Weight Loss Challenge: Plan of Attack

The weight loss challenge has officially started! My official weigh in is 301.6, ugh. That’s still a shocker.

I’m still unsure of a good goal to set for myself. All the reports out there say a healthy amount to lose is 1-2 pounds a week, probably 3 pounds a week for someone my size. So, a 6 week challenge is 18lbs, let’s just add my competitive spirit and say my goal will be 20 pounds.

Here’s my official plan of attack. Continue reading “Weight Loss Challenge: Plan of Attack”