A Testament To My Progress

This is sort of a continuation of my April 2016 wrap up post, but in the midst of this rough period of my life, one thing that’s remained positive is my journey to healthiness. Today’s workout was led by a trainer that I’ve never met, and afterward he gave me a pat on the back and said, “you killed it man!” I noticed during the workout he kept a watch on me in the mirror and seemed to be surprised at what I was doing, that someone my size shouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing, and that’s a real testament to the work I’ve put in over the past year and change. Continue reading “A Testament To My Progress”

Small Wins: Moving

Here’s a short and sweet small win.

There’s a large box of office supplies that’s been sitting in my mom’s living room for almost two years. I packed it when I moved to my current apartment, but it was so heavy the box started falling apart, there wasn’t enough room in my car that trip, and it just stayed there.

It was so heavy and a pain to get up the stairs that I dreaded having to move it, so I didn’t.

Realizing how lazy I’ve been, when I visited home home, I decided to move the box to the basement until I needed the supplies. You know what? It wasn’t that hard!

It was heavy, but I had a more difficult time dealing with the large size of the box (stupid short arms) than the weight. It’s really a testament to my overall health and strength improvement compared to two years ago.

That feels good.

Small Wins: “Shopping”

It’s the little things that really mark progress. Today I went “shopping” and got myself a new shirt!

Nice "new" shirt!
Nice “new” shirt!

Now why do I keep saying “shopping” with quotes? Because that shirt was given to me as a Christmas present from my sister last year. It’s a 2XL, but due to the stupid modern cut and stretchy material, it’s tighter than all of my regular XL shirts.

I like the shirt a lot, but it’s been too snug in the belly to wear out in public and has been collecting dust in my closet.

Until today! Huge confidence boost.

It’s the little wins that keep you going! Once I’m able to fit into more stylish clothing, one of my next steps will be to step up my fashion game. Here’s a baby step to doing that.