Hot Chocolate 5k Goals

Up until this point my 5k goals have been pretty much the same: survive and have fun. However, this being my 4th try at it, I think it’s time to step things up. Exactly how though, is slightly a different story.

This time around, my base line goal of “completing injury free and have fun,” should be a given. So at the very least, my goal is to get a PR. 48:22, I’m gunning for you! From there, it gets a little grey, so I can definitely use advise if anybody has some. Continue reading “Hot Chocolate 5k Goals”

5k #4 – Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate Registration

I have three 5k races under my belt, and while I’m extremely proud of completing the race three times, it’s time for redemption. The Hot Chocolate 5k in October: I CAN do better, and this time, I WILL.

Usually I’m uncomfortable putting out bold statements like that, because I understand that this journey to become healthy is a marathon not a sprint. I also know that my mental game still needs much work; I’m prone to “psyching myself out,” pushing myself too hard, and beating myself up.

However, this race takes plazce over a year since my first race. I know how to control my emotions race day and what to expect. Now it’s time to see some real improvement in my 5k performance. Continue reading “5k #4 – Hot Chocolate”

Chicago Bears 5k 2016: 5k #3 in the Books!

First it was Bucktown, then was Night Nation Run, now my 3rd 5k race is under my belt at the Chicago Bears 5k. By far, this was my favorite 5k so far! They aimed to make this as much of a “game time atmosphere” as possible, so that meant the Bears drumline showed up to play songs, Staley – the mascot bear guy cheered us on, the flag guys led each corral at the start of the race (see the video below) complete with fireworks, and best of all; you finish the race by running through the tunnel and ON TO THE FIELD at Soldier Field!

Continue reading “Chicago Bears 5k 2016: 5k #3 in the Books!”

5k #3 – PNC Chicago Bears 5k

I wasn’t planning on running another 5k so soon, however, my teammates of “Dat High Hat Doe” have convinced me to keep the running going. What was the convincing factor? Check out this banner from the official Chicago Bears 5k website:

Swag from Chicago Bears 5k

To quote their website: “Finish on the field – legendary Soldier Field. BEAR DOWN for the PNC Chicago Bears 5K (3.10 mile) race and you’ll finish where the action happens. Plus, every participant gets their own Nike Dri-FIT shirt and a custom-designed championship finisher medal. Once inside the stadium, runners will be broadcast on the videoboard as they cross the finish line, a perfect reason to get fierce, show some teeth, and finish strong.” Continue reading “5k #3 – PNC Chicago Bears 5k”

Night Nation Run 5k Wrapup: Competitive vs Fun Runs

5k #2 is in the books! Night Nation Run was a blast, Team “Dat High Hat Doe” had a good representation and we did our thing. This was a much different experience than my experience at the Bucktown 5k last September, that’s for sure.

While Bucktown was more of a competitive/traditional race, Night Nation Run was more of a fun run environment, both of which has its pros and cons. But before I get into that, let’s do a breakdown of how the night went. Continue reading “Night Nation Run 5k Wrapup: Competitive vs Fun Runs”

Wrap-Up: April 2016

It’s about time I started these again! I’ve been putting it off because of the shame of the weight I’ve gained back. Speaking of, we have a new geeky reference for my slip-ups. Joining the Oregon Trail wagon bursting into flames I present to you, the Shame Nun from Game of Thrones!


Now that that’s out of the way and I’ve faced the music (because of the bell, get it?!?!) Let’s begin this recap of my current status. Continue reading “Wrap-Up: April 2016”

5k #2 – Night Nation Run

This is a dramatic reenactment of a conversation between me and one of my friends:

Him: It’s really cool that you did the 5k and everything, it’s really inspiring.

Me: Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Any motivational tool is great!

Him: I’ve been thinking about maybe doing a 5k this summer.

Me: Nice! That’s awesome, you should totally do one!

Him: So…which one should we do?!?!

Me: ….oh…….

So, guess what? It’s time for 5k #2! This time, instead of the more traditional/competitive race of the Bucktown 5k I did last September, we’re breaking out the glow sticks, blasting the EDM, and doing the Night Nation Run in Chicago on April 16th.

Night Nation Run

Continue reading “5k #2 – Night Nation Run”