June Update: 5k training, progress, pace, and gear!

Why hello everyone! It’s been a couple months since I’ve written here, and I do regret that very much. A lot has happened since the last check in, so here’s another update.

My social media presence has been solid, but I’m not writing posts here, I’ll make it more of an effort to write here as it serves a better journal than Facebook or Instagram.

Big picture update: Signed up for the Chicago Bears 5k again, which will be in 2 weeks, had a minor hiccup in May, but I’ve bounced back with lots of momentum on my side. As of writing this, my weight is just a pound less than in April, but my performance (especially cardio) is the best it’s ever been! Continue reading “June Update: 5k training, progress, pace, and gear!”

Check In: More of the Same, but Different….

Now that we’re 10 days into the new year, I’m actually in somewhat a groove and thought I would check in quickly to document where things are right now. I’ve finally undone the damage done over holiday eating and I’m falling back into good habits.

In other words things are the same as last I checked in, however, for some reason things feel a bit different right now. Continue reading “Check In: More of the Same, but Different….”

BbtP 2016 Wrap Up

This time of year always brings out the introspection in everyone with year end wrap ups, I feel it’s healthy to look back and see how things are going. I’ll admit, my first draft of this post was a lot more pessimistic than the final version.

While it’s easy to jump on the “2016 was horrible” bandwagon, I’ve always tried my best to have positive energy and an optimistic outlook on this wellness journey. Continue reading “BbtP 2016 Wrap Up”

Hot Chocolate 5k Goals

Up until this point my 5k goals have been pretty much the same: survive and have fun. However, this being my 4th try at it, I think it’s time to step things up. Exactly how though, is slightly a different story.

This time around, my base line goal of “completing injury free and have fun,” should be a given. So at the very least, my goal is to get a PR. 48:22, I’m gunning for you! From there, it gets a little grey, so I can definitely use advise if anybody has some. Continue reading “Hot Chocolate 5k Goals”

Beginning My First 5K Training

Ever since I signed up for the Bucktown 5k back in March, I made a game plan: continue to work out and focus on building as much strength/cardio as possible (and hopefully drop a ton more weight). Then, at some point in time I would have to get out of the gym and start running outside. With the race coming up in just under 3 months, that time is quickly approaching.

Then I messed up…. Continue reading “Beginning My First 5K Training”

Rest & Refocus

Thankfully, I don’t think this post won’t precede another “wagon bursting into flames” picture, but it got very close.

I feel like I’m in somewhat a holding pattern right now as far as motivation goes. Toward the beginning of this month, I decided that I was going to take a week off from working out. Aside from the nagging plantar fasciitis, I started to get more and more little tweaks. None too serious, it wouldn’t make me sit any days, but it would make me ease up during the work out.

Continue reading “Rest & Refocus”