Night Nation Run 5k Wrapup: Competitive vs Fun Runs

5k #2 is in the books! Night Nation Run was a blast, Team “Dat High Hat Doe” had a good representation and we did our thing. This was a much different experience than my experience at the Bucktown 5k last September, that’s for sure.

While Bucktown was more of a competitive/traditional race, Night Nation Run was more of a fun run environment, both of which has its pros and cons. But before I get into that, let’s do a breakdown of how the night went. Continue reading “Night Nation Run 5k Wrapup: Competitive vs Fun Runs”

5k #2 – Night Nation Run

This is a dramatic reenactment of a conversation between me and one of my friends:

Him: It’s really cool that you did the 5k and everything, it’s really inspiring.

Me: Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Any motivational tool is great!

Him: I’ve been thinking about maybe doing a 5k this summer.

Me: Nice! That’s awesome, you should totally do one!

Him: So…which one should we do?!?!

Me: ….oh…….

So, guess what? It’s time for 5k #2! This time, instead of the more traditional/competitive race of the Bucktown 5k I did last September, we’re breaking out the glow sticks, blasting the EDM, and doing the Night Nation Run in Chicago on April 16th.

Night Nation Run

Continue reading “5k #2 – Night Nation Run”

My Pre-Workout Playlist

I’ve been slacking on this blog lately, and while it’s mostly designed to document my journey while holding me accountable, it’s time I get a little less serious and have some fun.

While at the gym, the trainers play their own setlist, so the only time I get to play with my music is when pumping myself up on the drive there.

So here’s my current (perhaps unorthidox) top songs to pump me up for the gym, in no particular order: Continue reading “My Pre-Workout Playlist”

Small Wins: “Shopping”

It’s the little things that really mark progress. Today I went “shopping” and got myself a new shirt!

Nice "new" shirt!
Nice “new” shirt!

Now why do I keep saying “shopping” with quotes? Because that shirt was given to me as a Christmas present from my sister last year. It’s a 2XL, but due to the stupid modern cut and stretchy material, it’s tighter than all of my regular XL shirts.

I like the shirt a lot, but it’s been too snug in the belly to wear out in public and has been collecting dust in my closet.

Until today! Huge confidence boost.

It’s the little wins that keep you going! Once I’m able to fit into more stylish clothing, one of my next steps will be to step up my fashion game. Here’s a baby step to doing that.