
I am getting so tired of this pattern: things are looking up, I have a very positive post, and then a month goes by and I’m talking about the dang wagon again. I don’t want to talk about the wagon, I don’t want to see the flaming wagon picture anymore, stupid wagon.

Needless to say, I fell off the wagon…AGAIN.

No, I didn’t just fall off the wagon, but axel of the wagon broke under the weight of my fat butt, burst into flames, and then I ate the oxen by cooking it using said flame. Continue reading “Rickshaw”

Rest & Refocus

Thankfully, I don’t think this post won’t precede another “wagon bursting into flames” picture, but it got very close.

I feel like I’m in somewhat a holding pattern right now as far as motivation goes. Toward the beginning of this month, I decided that I was going to take a week off from working out. Aside from the nagging plantar fasciitis, I started to get more and more little tweaks. None too serious, it wouldn’t make me sit any days, but it would make me ease up during the work out.

Continue reading “Rest & Refocus”

Pre Weight Loss Challenge Status

The weight loss challenge at Orange Theory Fitness starts up in a couple days, and just in time.

I just had a huge shocker earlier this week. I haven’t weighed myself in over 3 months since I was really going to OTF hard the first time. So I’m not completely surprised at the initial weigh in, decided to step on the scale the other day and it was over 300 lbs!

I was utterly demoralized. I was angry. I blamed the scale, the last time I weighed myself on my roommate’s scale it said 282.2 lbs. Continue reading “Pre Weight Loss Challenge Status”