Getting In Shape Post COVID-19

We’ve all heard the “gaining the Covid 19 lbs” joke, and in my case, it wasn’t too far off. At the least it sure felt that way! It seems like people either severely struggled or absolutely thrived throughout the ever-changing conditions during the Covid pandemic. Unfortunately I feel most people, myself very much included, fell into that former category.

And with barbershops closed, made for crazy hair!
Continue reading “Getting In Shape Post COVID-19”

June Update: 5k training, progress, pace, and gear!

Why hello everyone! It’s been a couple months since I’ve written here, and I do regret that very much. A lot has happened since the last check in, so here’s another update.

My social media presence has been solid, but I’m not writing posts here, I’ll make it more of an effort to write here as it serves a better journal than Facebook or Instagram.

Big picture update: Signed up for the Chicago Bears 5k again, which will be in 2 weeks, had a minor hiccup in May, but I’ve bounced back with lots of momentum on my side. As of writing this, my weight is just a pound less than in April, but my performance (especially cardio) is the best it’s ever been! Continue reading “June Update: 5k training, progress, pace, and gear!”

Weight Loss Journey – What I’m Up Against

I believe it’s Sun Tzu that said something along the lines of, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” It’s no secret that the weight loss journey is long and grueling, a battle that many lose. In order to be successful and keep motivated to fully attack this head on, it’s good to know your enemy. So I’m going to examine exactly what I’m up against in my battle to be healthy.

I’m going to split these up into two general categories: internal and external factors. Continue reading “Weight Loss Journey – What I’m Up Against”

Slowly Learning

I still have to think and write out my long motivational post, but wanted to write a quick post about a baby step of progress.

Last night, in the middle of the night, I woke up with some discomfort in my right heel. Going into today the discomfort stuck around and I felt some in my lower calf as well. Very strange thing considering I took the past two days off, so you’d think if it was an injury I’d feel it right away.

In those two days, I was lazy with stretching, in that I didn’t do any on Sunday and I didn’t do anything until rolling out on the foam roller last night (foam roller you say? There’s a post about that coming up very soon!). So chances are it’s tight calves.

The baby steps of progress is that I took my own advise for once! Continue reading “Slowly Learning”

Welcome to Baker by the Pound – Part 1

Hello, and welcome to Baker by the Pound! I’m David Baker, and this is my (hopefully successful) weight loss journal.

You can read about my entire background in the “about me” section once it’s written. But long story short, I’ve been a big guy my entire life, and frankly I’m just sort of tired of it. There wasn’t a big defining moment to start this journey, just something that deep down I know that I have to do.

My goal with this journal is to show an accurate portrayal of my weight loss journey. Most other blogs I see out there are from personal trainers, or people that have already completed their journey. Many of them make it seem easy or try to sell you something, they talk a little bit about bad days and fluctuations, but while the negative days have more impact in the moment, people tend to remember things positively in retrospect, especially in a case like this when they’re successful. Continue reading “Welcome to Baker by the Pound – Part 1”