Recap: June 2021

Out of all the months that I’ve been on this health and wellness journey, June 2021 was definitely one of them.

There was some flashes of motivation and heading in the right direction, but overall was kind of a lot of nothing. Here’s my recap of June 2021.

At least I did get some walking in for a while!
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Testing the Challenges of Being On The Road

For those that haven’t followed my journey, one of my largest sticking points is my job. Many people also struggle from this, but thought I would share my experience since this restart. Most of my job is film/video editing, meaning I sit at my desk 10-12 hours a day and barely move. However, I also occasionally work as part of the crew for films and television shows, which presents a different set of challenges.

I recently came across my first couple tests being on the road in 2021.

Pretty view though!
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Re-Introduction: 2021 Edition

Oh, hello! Nice to see you again! For those that don’t remember, I’m David. This page is a journal of my wellness journey, an accountability tool, and a way to keep things fresh for me on this long and grueling journey.

I first posted here way back in December of 2014, and I don’t think that I would have guessed that 6.5 years later I would be starting again for the umpteenth time. I know everyone always says weight loss isn’t a linear path, and one would always expect to have bad days, weeks, maybe even a month. But having a bad year, multiple bad years? I honestly wasn’t ready for that.

But here I am to attempt to rise from the ashes once again and see what can come of all of this.

Continue reading “Re-Introduction: 2021 Edition”

Florida Vacation

Just got back from my Disney Florida vacation, and I’ll tell you that it was a fantastic time! Just being able to get away mentally for a week did wonders for my stress levels.

I may have mentioned here before, but I haven’t gone on a non work related, non wedding related vacation (longer than a ‘long weekend’) since Spring Break in college 15 years ago!

Needless to say, I was due!

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