My Journey So Far: Crunching the Numbers

Baker by the Pound started just over two years ago and what a journey it as been. After much number crunching from my workout/weight log it really brought many things into perspective.

Look at this guy after his first workout at Orange Theory, feet standing outward, huffing and puffing after his first workout in years. The journey from this guy to what I am now has been long and full of ups and downs, but one thing’s for sure: I’ve learned a ton about myself, my body, and my abilities.

For me it started with a “what the heck, why not,” instead of a lightbulb motivating moment.


Continue reading “My Journey So Far: Crunching the Numbers”

Check In: More of the Same, but Different….

Now that we’re 10 days into the new year, I’m actually in somewhat a groove and thought I would check in quickly to document where things are right now. I’ve finally undone the damage done over holiday eating and I’m falling back into good habits.

In other words things are the same as last I checked in, however, for some reason things feel a bit different right now. Continue reading “Check In: More of the Same, but Different….”

BbtP 2016 Wrap Up

This time of year always brings out the introspection in everyone with year end wrap ups, I feel it’s healthy to look back and see how things are going. I’ll admit, my first draft of this post was a lot more pessimistic than the final version.

While it’s easy to jump on the “2016 was horrible” bandwagon, I’ve always tried my best to have positive energy and an optimistic outlook on this wellness journey. Continue reading “BbtP 2016 Wrap Up”

Wrap-Up: April 2016

It’s about time I started these again! I’ve been putting it off because of the shame of the weight I’ve gained back. Speaking of, we have a new geeky reference for my slip-ups. Joining the Oregon Trail wagon bursting into flames I present to you, the Shame Nun from Game of Thrones!


Now that that’s out of the way and I’ve faced the music (because of the bell, get it?!?!) Let’s begin this recap of my current status. Continue reading “Wrap-Up: April 2016”