BbtP 2016 Wrap Up

This time of year always brings out the introspection in everyone with year end wrap ups, I feel it’s healthy to look back and see how things are going. I’ll admit, my first draft of this post was a lot more pessimistic than the final version.

While it’s easy to jump on the “2016 was horrible” bandwagon, I’ve always tried my best to have positive energy and an optimistic outlook on this wellness journey. Continue reading “BbtP 2016 Wrap Up”

Forced Focus: Nutrition and Gut Health

In my last post I talked a lot about changing my mindset to focus more on nutrition instead of training. Well, seems like my gut health has forced me to focus on this issue, at least that’s the silver lining I’m attempting to make from this current situation.

Some of you may remember I posted back in August how I contracted a bad stomach bug after traveling overseas. I recovered after a couple weeks, although I only got to maybe 90% healthy. A couple weeks ago I realized that it’s been 3 MONTHS since the trip and I’m still not 100%.

It doesn’t affect my day-to-day activity, however, if my body hasn’t fixed it by now then it’s time to get some help.

I have to remember that my goal isn’t to lose weight or get strong, it’s to get healthy. Gut health is extremely important to your overall health, so I went see the doctor.

The doctor didn’t seem worried at all and explained that sometimes bacterial infections can linger. So he wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic and I was on my way. Continue reading “Forced Focus: Nutrition and Gut Health”

Random Thoughts, New Goals, New Focus

Now that it’s been a week since my Hot Chocolate 5k triumph, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking (as I normally do). This post will be much less structured than normal and will be a mish-mash of everything I’ve been thinking about as I move forward setting new goals on the next stage on the journey. Continue reading “Random Thoughts, New Goals, New Focus”

Hot Chocolate 5k in the Books!

This morning I completed my 4th 5k race, however, something was very different. For the first time ever I walked away happy and completely satisfied!

Ever since I had the random idea to run a 5k as I posted way back last March, my goals have always remained somewhat the same:

  1. Complete it healthy and have fun
  2. Run the entire time
  3. Sub 45 minutes

Thus far, I’ve always completed the first goal, just completing. While I was proud each time of what I accomplished, how it all played out always felt like somewhat a participation ribbon.

Today that changed. Continue reading “Hot Chocolate 5k in the Books!”

Hot Chocolate 5k Goals

Up until this point my 5k goals have been pretty much the same: survive and have fun. However, this being my 4th try at it, I think it’s time to step things up. Exactly how though, is slightly a different story.

This time around, my base line goal of “completing injury free and have fun,” should be a given. So at the very least, my goal is to get a PR. 48:22, I’m gunning for you! From there, it gets a little grey, so I can definitely use advise if anybody has some. Continue reading “Hot Chocolate 5k Goals”

Overtraining and Listening To Your Body

After my newest bout of motivation in my last emo post, I’ve been following up with some good progress on the training end of things. I’m still figuring out exactly how much I should train. You hear so much about overtraining and how it can derail progress. After much research, the answer is the ever frustrating “it depends.”

The reason is because it’s constantly in flux, and the old familiar “listen to your body” line comes up over and over and over again. Continue reading “Overtraining and Listening To Your Body”

Using Negative Energy

I usually use this blog as a way to keep myself focused and positive, there’s the occasional emotional rant with flaming wagon pictures or shame nuns, but on the most part I do my best to keep positive energy flowing. But I’ll be honest, this latest iteration of restarting re-gaining momentum has been really frustrating and angering. But perhaps that negative energy can be put to use. Continue reading “Using Negative Energy”